@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here
@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here What's new? INTRODUCING SAFEGUARD BUY BOT We've designed Safeguard buy bot to be by far the most convenient, best option there is for devs all within the same bot! To add a token to your group, type /add Fastest Speed Safeguard notifies your group of a buy within 3 seconds of the block being finished. Faster than any other options (See comparison above) Fully customizable Everything is customizable within /settings. Our buybot currently has 3 layouts you can use in your groups with much more and complete customization on the way Whale alerts Get alerted when a large wallet buys your token with their wallet value being added to the buy NO ADS When buy bot is active in your group there will be completely 0 ads. We don't believe your group should have other projects advertised inside of it, we are an anti-spam bot after all Setup the buy bot in your group with the command /add ... Much more stuff is coming very shortly ~@TrendingPairs_Bot

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。