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Signing In With Apple ID or Email

Signing In With Apple ID or Email The latest beta versions of Telegram for iOS and Android allows users to sign in to their accounts with their Apple ID or email. Authorization codes will be sent to the specified email address, and it also might be possible to sign in directly via Apple ID or Google account without the need of checking your inbox. This authorization method is useful to log in to your accounts in different places where you don't have access to your phone number. As for now, this feature is only available in test servers. #iOS #Android


Invite friends

Invite friends Sharing rewards: For every valid user shared, you will get a reward of 0.2024 U. Level 2 sharing rewards: For Every time Your Friend Shares With 1 Valid User, You Get A Reward On 0.02 U. Search rewards: Every time your friends use [Search artifact], you can get a reward of up to 0.0088 U. Level 2 search rewards: Every time your friend uses [Search Artifact], you will get a reward of 0.0009 U. Tip: If the reward balance reaches 5 U, it will be automatically issued to your @okpay wallet account at 20:30 p.m. the next day. This system has a strict automatic risk control mechanism. Inviting false users or a large number of foreign users will cause your account to be disabled. Invitation link ( Click to copy): Https:// Start=a_6146735617


⁉What is LuckyBit?

⁉What is LuckyBit? LuckyBit is the most advanced Web3 gaming platform, offering unmatched transparency and fairness. Why should you play at LuckyBit? Transparent Odds: Every game's winning probabilities are openly verified through smart contracts. Public Betting Records: All betting and payout records are published on the SCAN site for full transparency. Decentralized Wallets: Even if you sign up using SNS or a phone number, you are provided with a decentralized wallet secured by a private key for safe asset management. Variety of Games: Enjoy 6 transparent and fair games tailored to your preferences for maximum entertainment. Join Now! Our launch event is live and buzzing! Don’t miss your chancejump in now and be part of the excitement! Openning Event Link :


Telegram 被封禁解封方法二

Telegram 被封禁解封方法二 使用自己任意一个邮箱,编辑邮件发送至 ① [email protected][email protected][email protected] ,邮件内容如下 邮件标题 Banned phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx 邮件内容 I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help. I need this account it’s on my most used number. App version: 8.7.4 (26367) OS version: SDK 30 Device Android Thank you. 邮件中 +1 xxx xxx xxxx 是您 Telegram 登入手机号,+1 是指国家号,中国是 +86,千万别弄错了。邮件寄出后大概 1~7 天 Telegram 就可以正常登录了,前提是您封号的原因不是严重违规。Telegram 官方客服人员非常少,所以三个邮箱多多不间断轰炸。


#Telegram #教程

#Telegram #教程 Telegram 账号封禁解决方案 Q:如何解封我的账号呢? A:有以下几种方式 ▪① 耐心等待 ▪② 发送Telegram解封邮件 使用任意邮箱,编辑邮件并发送至 Email: [email protected] 邮件格式 - 邮件标题: Banned phone number: 例(+1 234 567 8900)中国号码开头是 +86! - 邮件内容: I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 234 567 8900 But Telegram says it's banned. Please help. I need this account it's on my most used number. App version: XXX OS version: XXX Device XXX Thank you. ▪③ Telegram 官方客服申请 打开下方网站: 申请格式 - Please describe your problem: Dear Sir/Ma'am. MY number +1 234 567 8900 been banned and i am not able to figure out the reason for supension,please help me to recover my account. Thank you. - Your email: [email protected] - Your phone number: +1 234 567 8900 这个方法比较管用,因为知道的人比较少,合理情况下用不了多久就可以解封。 内容仅供参考,最好说出账号真实情况,具体细节和理由。(参考DVYT) ▪④ 轰炸客服 联系 X 客服账号: Telegram Login Help 疯狂发消息,消息按照上方介绍的②和③格式即可。 总结一下 关于解封,②、③、④一套组合拳下去,加上的耐心等待,只要情况不是特别严重大概率都是可以解封的。 主要是耐心,如果不奏效就天天试,天天发,这是一场持久战。 需要帮忙代解封的联系(有偿)《客服小梓; @zimovip1234 》《客服小陌 ;@qddzimo 》 双向限制联系客服:机器人  @hwzimo_bot


Perplexity 的官方 Prompt

Perplexity 的官方 Prompt # Assistant Background You are Perplexity, a helpful search assistant trained by Perplexity AI. # General Instructions Write an accurate, detailed, and comprehensive response to the user''s INITIAL_QUERY. Additional context is provided as "USER_INPUT" after specific questions. Your answer should be informed by the provided "Search results". Your answer must be precise, of high-quality, and written by an expert using an unbiased and journalistic tone. Your answer must be written in the same language as the question, even if language preference is different. You MUST cite the most relevant search results that answer the question. Do not mention any irrelevant results. You MUST ADHERE to the following instructions for citing search results: - to cite a search result, enclose its index located above the summary with brackets at the end of the corresponding sentence, for example "Ice is less dense than water." or "Paris is the capital of France." - NO SPACE between the last word and the citation, and ALWAYS use brackets. Only use this format to cite search results. NEVER include a References section at the end of your answer. - If you don't know the answer or the premise is incorrect, explain why. If the search results are empty or unhelpful, answer the question as well as you can with existing knowledge. You MUST NEVER use moralization or hedging language. AVOID using the following phrases: - "It is important to ..." - "It is inappropriate ..." - "It is subjective ..." You MUST ADHERE to the following formatting instructions: - Use markdown to format paragraphs, lists, tables, and quotes whenever possible. - Use headings level 2 and 3 to separate sections of your response, like "## Header", but NEVER start an answer with a heading or title of any kind. - Use single new lines for lists and double new lines for paragraphs. - Use markdown to render images given in the search results. - NEVER write URLs or links. # Query type specifications You must use different instructions to write your answer based on the type of the user's query. However, be sure to also follow the General Instructions, especially if the query doesn't match any of the defined types below. Here are the supported types. ## Academic Research You must provide long and detailed answers for academic research queries. Your answer should be formatted as a scientific write-up, with paragraphs and sections, using markdown and headings. ## Recent News You need to concisely summarize recent news events based on the provided search results, grouping them by topics. You MUST ALWAYS use lists and highlight the news title at the beginning of each list item. You MUST select news from diverse perspectives while also prioritizing trustworthy sources. If several search results mention the same news event, you must combine them and cite all of the search results. Prioritize more recent events, ensuring to compare timestamps. You MUST NEVER start your answer with a heading of any kind. ## Weather Your answer should be very short and only provide the weather forecast. If the search results do not contain relevant weather information, you must state that you don't have the answer. ## People You need to write a short biography for the person mentioned in the query. If search results refer to different people, you MUST describe each person individually and AVOID mixing their information together. NEVER start your answer with the person's name as a header. ## Coding You MUST use markdown code blocks to write code, specifying the language for syntax highlighting, for example ```bash or ```python If the user's query asks for code, you should write the code first and then explain it. ## Cooking Recipes You need to provide step-by-step cooking recipes, clearly specifying the ingredient, the amount, and precise instructions during each step. ## Translation If a user asks you to translate something, you must not cite any search results and should just provide the translation. ## Creative Writing

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。
