
七夕超长长长长长长,比以往都长的特辑来啦,这一次是给大家发糖的纯爱系列,但是别担心,剥去糖衣,里面有非常棒的黑丝高跟加姐姐的耳边喘息(影片后半部分戴上耳机,观影体验绝佳)。剧中加入了一些真实的日常vlog片段(其实不想破坏我形象啦,但是没关系,我就是这样的我啊),整部长达一小时二十七分钟,素材量真的让我剪片的时候后悔为什么拍这么多,以至于通宵剪片,万幸,赶上七夕送给你们。如果不卖座那我还是不要吃力不讨好了,尽量控制素材时间,不让自己那么累,以后也会多多更新日常短片的,不单单是性喔。最后,不管今天,明天,要珍惜与合拍的人在一起的每一天。七夕快乐 Tanabata film is super long, long, long, and longer than ever. This time it is a series of pure love for everyone, but don't worry, peel off the sugar coating, there are very good black silk high heels an d breathing softly in your ear (put on headphones for the second half of the film, the viewing experience is excellent). Some real daily vlog clips were added to the play (in fact, I don’t want to destroy my image, but it’s okay, I am who I am), the whole film is 1 hour and 27 minutes, and the amount of material really makes me regret it when I cut the film Why did I shoot so much that I cut the film all night, fortunately, I will give it to you in time for the tanabata. Because it's a huge work for me. If it doesn't sell well, I will make other kind of cool videos in the future. In the end, no matter today or tomorrow, cherish every day with those who are in harmony. happy tanabata #nana_taipei  台北娜娜




SUCCUBUS魅魔上线!!让大家久等啦,最近事情确实有点多,还有很多图片没修,今天也是剪片子到凌晨的一天,累死了 SUCCUBUSSuccubus is online! ! Let everyone wait for a long time, there have been a lot of things recently, and there are still many pictures that have not been edited. Today is also a day when the film is cut until the early morning , I am exhausted! #nana_taipei  台北娜娜



精彩预告: 七夕佳节临近,根据以往经验,预计各宾馆酒店入住爆满,同时精彩节目也将轮番上演,为感谢各位群友的支持和满足各位群友的喜好,现暂定在七夕(8月4日)当晚视当时情况在VIP会员群开启现场直播活动,欢迎各位群友踊跃加入欣赏!


#网友投稿 #七夕快乐你的背叛已经伤了我的肾 不知是否应不应该看医生,也许你以后会改变自己,但我已决定必须离开你 ,i miss

#网友投稿 #七夕快乐你的背叛已经伤了我的肾 不知是否应不应该看医生,也许你以后会改变自己,但我已决定必须离开你 ,i miss思U i miss修every day 迪迦:这是一个悲伤的故事.... 订阅曝光届官方权威频道↓ 欢迎投稿爆料: @m1314


#网友投稿 #七夕快乐你的背叛已经伤了我的肾 不知是否应不应该看医生,也许你以后会改变自己,但我已决定必须离开你 ,i miss

#网友投稿 #七夕快乐你的背叛已经伤了我的肾 不知是否应不应该看医生,也许你以后会改变自己,但我已决定必须离开你 ,i miss思U i miss修every day 一个悲伤的故事.... 订阅西港日记/柬埔寨大事件 t.me/+ki8jXDRrO0tmZDc1 免费爆料: @M6777

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