#世界爆料 #小菲投稿
#世界爆料 #小菲投稿
Who knows this person? (Lesbian) Working in POGO before in the Philippines and now applied to our company here in Cambodia but she didn't show up and ran away with the money that was supposed to be her pocket money and when her flight arrived on FEBRUARY 24, 2025 she didn't give a show up! She deleted all our conversation and she make new one account, So please don't hire her because she is a liar and can't be trusted. All the proof is in the picture! BE AWARE!
706USD=40,870 peso-8470 peso (flight ticket)=balance 32400 peso (for next flight ticket expense & petty cash on her hand)
谁认识这个人? (女同性恋)之前在菲律宾的 POGO 工作,现在申请了我们在柬埔寨的公司,但她没有出现,并带着本该是她的零用钱的钱逃跑了,当她的航班于 2025 年 2 月 24 日抵达时,她没有出现!她删除了我们所有的对话,并创建了一个新帐户,所以请不要雇用她,因为她是个骗子,不可信任。一切证据都在图中!请注意! 706USD=40,870比索-8470比索(机票)=余额32400比索(用于下次机票费用和她手上的零用钱)
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