
使用服务即同意用户条款 请遵守您所在地的法律法规 Use the service to agree to the user terms Please comply with your local laws and regulations ———————————————— 木瓜云官网:muguacloud.top 本群禁止政治类话题或引起不适的内容




官网: https://bupaolu.xyz 通知频道: @boluoyun02 严禁发表不限于黄赌毒等非法言论,严格遵守中华人民共和国法律条款。 禁止去其他同行机场群发布推广信息。 禁止涉政,以免引起不必要的麻烦。 使用服务即同意用户条款 请遵守您所在地的法律法规 Use the service to agree to the user terms



通知频道: @bupaolu01 导航页: https://不跑路.com 官网: https://www.dapeng01.live 备用: https://china-tg10.online/ 禁止发表不限于黄赌毒等非法言论,严格遵守中华人民共和国法律条款。 禁止去其他同行机场群发布推广信息。 禁止涉政,以免引起不必要的麻烦。 使用服务即同意用户条款 请遵守您所在地的法律法规 Use the service to agree to the user terms ———————————


HUC Projects

Approved developers can use my app signature key Some easy-to-use professional applications, only for learning and communication, and are not allowed to be used in busines If you want to share the content, please abide by local country laws


Thanks everyone for your support and love!

Thanks everyone for your support and love! Last month I got interviewed by police for 4 days after arriving in Paris. I was told I may be personally responsible for other people’s illegal use of Telegram, because the French authorities didn’t receive responses from Telegram. This was surprising for several reasons:  1. Telegram has an official representative in the EU that accepts and replies to EU requests. Its email address has been publicly available for anyone in the EU who googles “Telegram EU address for law enforcement”.  2. The French authorities had numerous ways to reach me to request assistance. As a French citizen, I was a frequent guest at the French consulate in Dubai. A while ago, when asked, I personally helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to deal with the threat of terrorism in France. 3. If a country is unhappy with an internet service, the established practice is to start a legal action against the service itself. Using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach. Building technology is hard enough as it is. No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools.  Establishing the right balance between privacy and security is not easy. You have to reconcile privacy laws with law enforcement requirements, and local laws with EU laws. You have to take into account technological limitations. As a platform, you want your processes to be consistent globally, while also ensuring they are not abused in countries with weak rule of law. We’ve been committed to engaging with regulators to find the right balance. Yes, we stand by our principles: our experience is shaped by our mission to protect our users in authoritarian regimes. But we’ve always been open to dialogue. Sometimes we can’t agree with a country’s regulator on the right balance between privacy and security. In those cases, we are ready to leave that country. We've done it many times. When Russia demanded we hand over “encryption keys” to enable surveillance, we refused and Telegram got banned in Russia. When Iran demanded we block channels of peaceful protesters, we refused and Telegram got banned in Iran. We are prepared to leave markets that aren’t compatible with our principles, because we are not doing this for money. We are driven by the intention to bring good and defend the basic rights of people, particularly in places where these rights are violated. All of that does not mean Telegram is perfect. Even the fact that authorities could be confused by where to send requests is something that we should improve. But the claims in some media that Telegram is some sort of anarchic paradise are absolutely untrue. We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day. We publish daily transparency reports (likeor). We have direct hotlines with NGOs to process urgent moderation requests faster. However, we hear voices saying that it’s not enough. Telegram’s abrupt increase in user count to 950M caused growing pains that made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform. That’s why I made it my personal goal to ensure we significantly improve things in this regard. We’ve already started that process internally, and I will share more details on our progress with you very soon.  I hope that the events of August will result in making Telegram and the social networking industry as a whole safer and stronger. Thanks again for your love and memes


IP Addresses

IP Addresses We've gotten multiple DMs asking why Telegram says Safeguard can access your IP - Safeguard uses Telegram web apps to verify, since you're connecting to an external server Telegram gives this warning, however Safeguard does not collect this information. Captcha We use Cloudflare's turnstile captcha which is the most private option for users when it comes to captchas. You can read more info about this on their official website here V2.02 has also just launched, featuring a few QOL Changes and bug fixes V2.1 has launched Turnstile overhaul - We got multiple reports of Turnstile captcha not working for some users and the error isn't documented by Cloudflare. Because of this we temporarily overhauled the captcha until issue is resolved QOL Changes - Service messages are now auto deleted to not clog your chat - Even better antirai Safeguard V2.2 has launched Whats new? - Welcome messages revamped + You are now able to completely customize your welcome messages. Check the post above this to learn how. + Old welcome messages are now automatically deleted once a new user joins to not clog your chat - Multiple antiraid improvements + We've improved our AI in the antiraid to be even better at detecting certain types of attacks + Antiraid hard mode has new additional security features when users join - Too many small bug fixes and QOL Changes to count - Safeguard Advertisements + Are you a project owner and want to work with Safeguard? We offer the most efficient and targetted ads you can get for your project! Contact @ETHSOLTRENDING to discuss more details. + All projects will be vetted beforehand, we do not tolerate scams ~ V2.22 has launched Bug Fixes - Users with "&" in their names wouldnt be able to verify due to how we parsed the data. This is fixed - If a user spammed many times before antiraid picks it up Safeguard would spam chat saying they were muted. It now only says once and deletes other messages1


#账户解封模板  #解封

#账户解封模板  #解封 联系 Telegram 官方/客服: * App→设置→帮助与反馈 * 客服页面: * 官方 Twitter: * 登陆问题, 找Twitter: * 官方FAQ: * 发邮件给官方:     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected] * Telegram 客户端反馈群:     iOS - @tgiostests     macOS - @macswift     Desktop - @TelegramDesktopTalk 申诉反馈模板1: 主题: Please recover my Telegram account 内容: Dear Telegram Support Team,I am writing to appeal the recent ban on my Telegram account. I understand that my account has been blocked for violating the terms of service, but I would like to explain the circumstances surrounding this situation. I can assure you that my actions were not intentional and I did not have any malicious intent. I understand the importance of following the rules and regulations set by Telegram, and I regret any actions that may have led to my account being banned. I would be grateful if you could consider lifting the ban on my account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and I have used it for many years to communicate with friends and family. Losing access to my account would have a significant impact on my daily life. Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to hearing back from you and hopefully having my account reinstated. My mobile number is xxxx 申诉反馈模板2: 内容: My Telegram account was banned a long time, i think Anti-Spam system triggered wrong action, its mistake that account was banned. Now i have again got access, but still I'm limited to anything. It's wrong & false triggered action i should say. I have been a loyal to Telegram & even contributed to better Telegram. I am requesting for removal of account limitations. 提醒: 申诉后,官方会核查你的账户,并根据情况恢复你的账户,但不一定就能解封! 有人申诉后解封了,有人申诉了多次也未解封,不能一概而论!

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