#晚安提示词 今天在 Midjourney 发现一个很像微软宣传片里常出现的的景色的图片,所以就研究了一下提示词和找了一下微软之
#晚安提示词 今天在 Midjourney 发现一个很像微软宣传片里常出现的的景色的图片,所以就研究了一下提示词和找了一下微软之前的宣传片来参考,发现常见的场景一般都是线条比较柔和的湖面、沙漠或者海面之类的,在用的颜色方面主要就是浅灰色和深蓝色搭配,米色浅紫色和蓝色或者还有点粉色。下面这些图片就是通过景色和颜色搭配得来的。 提示词 1:3d background of sky 3d hd abstract sky background, in the style of monochromatic minimalism, soft edges and blurred details, violet and beige and Navy blue, peter holme iii, smooth curves, layered imagery with subtle irony, minimalistic landscapes ar 16:9 提示词 2:3d background of lake 3d hd abstract lake background, in the style of monochromatic minimalism, soft edges and blurred details, violet and beige and Navy blue, peter holme iii, smooth curves, layered imagery with subtle irony, minimalistic landscapes ar 16:9 提示词 3:3d background of desert 3d hd fog background, in the style of monochromatic minimalism, soft edges and blurred details, light gray and dark blue, peter holme iii, smooth curves, layered imagery with subtle irony, minimalistic landscapes ar 16:9

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