
一键让AI帮忙写一本书 #AI工作流 #AI的神奇用法 prompt提示词如下: Generate book title about: #Book topic - stick to this topic Generate book title with provided keyword Generate 11 book chapters with the topic provided and list them Generate detailed book intro with the title provided and more then ~500 word Write Chapter 1 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 2 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 3 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 4 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 5 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 6 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 7 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 8 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 9 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 10 with detailed



information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 11

information and more then ~1000 words per topic Write Chapter 11 with detailed information and more then ~1000 words per topic Generate summary book conclusion with the title provided and more then ~500 word CRITICAL: My platform can handle markup, html and other code. Please complete the CRITICAL commands in code and not plain text (do not use color anywhere) CRITICAL: When you finish EACH chapter, please CREATE a INSTRUCTIONS section in BOLD text for the user to instruct the next chapter by giving them these instructions: Please type "next chapter in order for me to write the next chapter" CRITICAL: Include an H1 heading to introduce the main topic with CSS CRITICAL: Utilize H2 headings to divide the content into logical sections with CSS CRITICAL: Apply bold formatting where appropriate to emphasize important points with CSS CRITICAL: Incorporate blockquotes for any relevant quotes or excerpts from external source with CSS CRITICAL: The critical instructions are MEANT to be followed on ALL chapters and on all of the messages on this thread (you cannot miss the critical instructions on future messages)


读书&囤书&笔记爱好者!快看这份教程!手把手教你使用 ChatGPT 在5分钟内「完全读懂」任何一本书 #AI工作流

读书&囤书&笔记爱好者!快看这份教程!手把手教你使用 ChatGPT 在5分钟内「完全读懂」任何一本书 #AI工作流 Reddit 是美国知名论坛,ChatGPT 子区目前有个帖子非常火,是一位狂热的书友分享如何借助 ChatGPT,将阅读一本书的时间压缩到5分钟!并且给出了详细的 Prompt 我整理并翻译了一下,一起玩起来呀!! ▢ Prompt 1: Please summarize [BOOK] by [AUTHOR] ▢ 请按[作者]总结[图书] ▢ Prompt 2: What are all of the chapters in the book? ▢ 这本书的章节都有哪些?(注意,在这里,可以根据想学的内容,挑选出对应的最佳章节) ▢ Prompt 3: In [BEST CHAPTER], what are the most important 20% of learnings about [INSERT LEARNING OBJECTIVE] that will help me understand 80% of it." ▢ 在[最佳章节]中,关于[插入学习目标]最重要的20%是什么,这将帮助我理解其中的80% ▢ Prompt 4: Convert those key lessons from the chapter into engaging stories and metaphors to aid my memorization. ▢ 将本章中的关键内容转化为引人入胜的故事和隐喻,以帮助我记忆 ▢ Optional Prompt 5: Write me an action list of how I can apply [KEY LESSON] into [PLACE YOU WANT TO APPLY IT] ▢ 给我写一份行动清单,说明我如何将[关键课程]应用到[您想应用的地方] (注意!这里可以提供有价值的领域背景知识) 评论区的几百条回帖也是干货满满,书友们积极留言,分享尝试用 ChatGPT 辅助阅读时,那些迷惑又雀跃的时刻! ▢ Comment 1:注意!这种方式可能会因为ChatGPT的「幻觉」而得到错误信息。可以用已经读过的书来尝试一下,然后你就会发现某些具体细节要么不太准确,要么完全就是捏造的。





一本书让你快速变身猛男 第二版|


《一本书让你快速变身高手 第二版 )》

《一本书让你快速变身高手 第二版 )》 简介:《一本书让你快速变身高手 第二版 》聚焦于个人技能提升,致力于帮助读者在特定领域实现快速进阶。书中可能针对职场技能、生活技巧、兴趣爱好培养等方面,提供系统且实用的方法与策略。通过清晰的理论讲解、丰富的案例分析以及可操作的实践指导,助力读者掌握关键技能,提升综合能力,在相应领域达到更高水平,以应对各种挑战,实现自我突破 标签: #技能提升 #快速学习 #实用指南 #个人成长 #进阶策略 文件大小:NG 链接:


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