
搜索,最古老的互联网工具,迎来革命 Thomas Sorheim: 2/ The current way we search is coming to an end… Soon you will be able to ask Bing questions naturally and get a search experience tailored to you - just like we expect from ChatGPT. The leak shows that the search bar will be a chatbox 1000 characters are the limit.



Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Tele

Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Telegram ecosystem by developing your app, MTProto Bot. Please note that due to recent updates to Telegram's handling of SMS and the integration of new SMS providers like Firebase, we are changing the way login codes are handled in third-party apps based on the Telegram API. Starting on 18.02.2023, users logging into third-party apps will only be able to receive login codes via Telegram. It will no longer be possible to request an SMS to log into your app – just like when logging into Telegram's own desktop and web clients. Exactly like with the Telegram Desktop and Web apps, if a user doesn’t have a Telegram account yet, they will need to create one first using an official mobile Telegram app. We kindly ask you to update your app’s login and signup interfaces to reflect these changes before they go live on 18.02.2023 at 13:00 UTC. This change will not significantly affect users since, according to our research, the vast majority of third-party app users also use official Telegram apps. In the coming months, we expect to offer new tools for third-party developers that will help streamline the login process.



谷歌近日在搜索结果中移除了“页面缓存”(快照)的访问入口。发言人说,这是谷歌最古老的功能之一,从前在互联网不发达时可以帮助人们获取加载不出的页面,但如今网站无法连接的情况已大幅减少。 发言人同时说,获取快照内容的网址(webcache [dot] googleusercontent [dot] com/search?q=cache:_)也将在近期下线。 (The Verge)



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