#八块腹肌 #体育生不要陷入焦虑和自我否定的恶性循环 不要迎合他人的眼光而做不喜欢的自己 要学会自我欣赏 取悦自己才是最重要的
#八块腹肌 #体育生 不要陷入焦虑和自我否定的恶性循环 不要迎合他人的眼光而做不喜欢的自己 要学会自我欣赏 取悦自己才是最重要的 不要因为看到别人发光 就觉得自己暗淡 每个人都是独一无二的 都有属于自己闪光点Don't fall into a vicious cycle of anxiety and self denial. Don't cater to the eyes of others and be yourself that you don't like. Learn to appreciate yourself. Pleasing yourself is the most important thing. Don't feel dull just because you see others shining. Everyone is unique and has their own shining points

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