#八块腹肌 #体育生不要陷入焦虑和自我否定的恶性循环 不要迎合他人的眼光而做不喜欢的自己 要学会自我欣赏 取悦自己才是最重要的

#八块腹肌 #体育生 不要陷入焦虑和自我否定的恶性循环 不要迎合他人的眼光而做不喜欢的自己 要学会自我欣赏 取悦自己才是最重要的 不要因为看到别人发光 就觉得自己暗淡 每个人都是独一无二的 都有属于自己闪光点Don't fall into a vicious cycle of anxiety and self denial. Don't cater to the eyes of others and be yourself that you don't like. Learn to appreciate yourself. Pleasing yourself is the most important thing. Don't feel dull just because you see others shining. Everyone is unique and has their own shining points



#八块腹肌 #体育生希望你可以处理好自己的情绪 只和交心的诉苦 希望你不要轻易相信别人的话 更不要对谁都充满期待 希望你少胡思乱

#八块腹肌 #体育生 希望你可以处理好自己的情绪 只和交心的诉苦 希望你不要轻易相信别人的话 更不要对谁都充满期待 希望你少胡思乱想凡是阻止你进步或让你觉得很的关系统统都抛的一干二净希望你的热情和爱只会用在正确的人和地方上I hope you can handle your emotions well and only confide in others. I hope you don't easily believe what others say, nor do you have high expectations for everyone. I hope you don't have to think recklessly. Any relationship that hinders your progress or makes you feel good will be completely abandoned. I hope your passion and love will only be used for the right people and places



真的没必要在意别人怎么看你,在喜欢你的人眼里,你怎么样都是可爱的,是不需要你刻意讨好,不需要你努力假装的那种可爱,就踏踏实实做好你自己,一定会有人这样爱着你 There is really no need to care what others think of you. In the eyes of people who like you, you are cute in any way. You don't need to please deliberately, and you don't need to pretend to be cute. Just be yourself, and someone will love you like this. #


各位群友们好,没事不要随便私信其他群友。 不管男女,不要随便骚扰别人。我们做一个有素质的色狼,ok?

各位群友们好,没事不要随便私信其他群友。 不管男女,不要随便骚扰别人。我们做一个有素质的色狼,ok? Hello fellow group members, don’t send private messages to other group members if you have nothing to do. Regardless of gender, don’t harass others casually. Let’s be quality perverts, okay?



如果决意去做一件事了,就不要再问自己和别人值不值得。心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。 If you're determined to do something, stop asking yourself and others if it's worth it. Be Willing to take for granted, take for granted will not hesitate. #头像


#网友投稿 #机场 #清关

#网友投稿 #机场 #清关 ECC exit custom clearance/出境清关 It depends on what visa your holding. Tourist visa expired until 4 years can apply ECC in T3 airport. 9G VISA but not under pogo company can also apply in airport. (500p ECC & 2000 each month for extension of VISA) You go to T1 first to get your boarding pass or which airlines in your ticket and go to T3 to get an ECC. However, If your 9G visa holder but under pogo company you can't apply an ECC to to airport even if you downgraded it to tourist visa. Airport will check your documents and visa if your 9G is under POGO or not. If it's under POGO they will tell you to go in out MAIN IMMIGRATION OFFICE (INTRAMUROS, MANILA) and if you arrived there they will ask you to fill out form. 20 days to 1 months of processing of ECC and visa extension if your 9G is under pogo company before. If your want to go back in your country and there's no plan to go back here in philippines. It's better to process it by yourself don't get an agent or people to help you process it. It will just take a lot of time waste of time. You process it by yourself it's mote convenient and more cheap. Don't be fooled by others. 翻译:ECC 出境清关 这取决于您持有的签证。旅游签证有效期不超过 4 年,可以在 T3 机场申请 ECC。9G 签证但不属于 pogo 公司,也可以在机场申请。(每月 500p ECC 和 2000 元用于签证延期)您先去 T1 领取登机牌或机票上的航空公司,然后去 T3 领取 ECC。但是,如果您的 9G 签证持有人属于 pogo 公司,即使您将其降级为旅游签证,您也无法在机场申请 ECC。机场将检查您的文件和签证,看您的 9G 是否属于 POGO。如果属于 POGO,他们会告诉您进入主要移民局(INTRAMUROS,马尼拉),如果您到达那里,他们会要求您填写表格。如果您的 9G 之前属于 pogo 公司,则需要 20 天到 1 个月的时间处理 ECC 和签证延期。 如果你想回国,但又没有计划回菲律宾,最好自己办理,不要找中介或人帮你办理。这样只会浪费很多时间。自己办理更方便,也更便宜。不要被别人骗了。


#网友投稿#签证 #清关

#网友投稿#签证 #清关 ECC exit custom clearance/出境清关 It depends on what visa your holding. Tourist visa expired until 4 years can apply ECC in T3 airport. 9G VISA but not under pogo company can also apply in airport. (500p ECC & 2000 each month for extension of VISA) You go to T1 first to get your boarding pass or which airlines in your ticket and go to T3 to get an ECC. However, If your 9G visa holder but under pogo company you can't apply an ECC to to airport even if you downgraded it to tourist visa. Airport will check your documents and visa if your 9G is under POGO or not. If it's under POGO they will tell you to go in out MAIN IMMIGRATION OFFICE (INTRAMUROS, MANILA) and if you arrived there they will ask you to fill out form. 20 days to 1 months of processing of ECC and visa extension if your 9G is under pogo company before. If your want to go back in your country and there's no plan to go back here in philippines. It's better to process it by yourself don't get an agent or people to help you process it. It will just take a lot of time waste of time. You process it by yourself it's mote convenient and more cheap. Don't be fooled by others. 翻译:ECC 出境清关 这取决于您持有的签证。旅游签证有效期不超过 4 年,可以在 T3 机场申请 ECC。9G 签证但不属于 pogo 公司,也可以在机场申请。(每月 500p ECC 和 2000 元用于签证延期)您先去 T1 领取登机牌或机票上的航空公司,然后去 T3 领取 ECC。但是,如果您的 9G 签证持有人属于 pogo 公司,即使您将其降级为旅游签证,您也无法在机场申请 ECC。机场将检查您的文件和签证,看您的 9G 是否属于 POGO。如果属于 POGO,他们会告诉您进入主要移民局(INTRAMUROS,马尼拉),如果您到达那里,他们会要求您填写表格。如果您的 9G 之前属于 pogo 公司,则需要 20 天到 1 个月的时间处理 ECC 和签证延期。 如果你想回国,但又没有计划回菲律宾,最好自己办理,不要找中介或人帮你办理。这样只会浪费很多时间。自己办理更方便,也更便宜。不要被别人骗了。

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