#博彩行业大事件:小马决定年底关闭所有博彩 Marcos' declaration of Philippine offshore gaming operators as illegal is met with chants, standing ovation and applause. "I hereby instruct PAGCOR to wind down and cease the operation of POGOs by the end of the year," Marcos says. He also tasked the DOLE to find new jobs to Filipinos who will be "displaced" by the ban 小马决定年底关闭所有博彩!! 马科斯宣布菲律宾离岸博彩运营商为非法,人们纷纷高呼口号、起立鼓掌和掌声。 “我在此指示 PAGCOR 在年底前关闭并停止 POGO 的运营,”马科斯说。 他还责成劳工部为因禁令而“流离失所”的菲律宾人寻找新工作!

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