出售:床上电脑桌/Computer desk on bed
出售:床上电脑桌/Computer desk on bed 价格:200元/200RMB 位置:华兴/Huaxing 交易方式 :现金/UCash/USDT 联系方式:@SKII201 物品介绍:这个桌子需要自己动手安装,需要一定的动手能力,桌子尺寸120x90x40,你可以联系工程师将桌脚切割到你想要的高度,仅限下铺使用,请务必测量好你的床的高度和长度,出售后不退不换 This table needs to be installed by yourself, need some hands-on skills, table size 120x90x40, you can contact the engineer to cut the table legs to the height you want, only for the lower bunk, please make sure to measure the height and length of your bed, no refund or exchange after the sale!

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