#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱

#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱 This guy stole money to me be careful with him he work in double dragon and he dont want to get back my money he always drinking in intro zzyz dream stage in matrix pretending to have money and stole other money to have fun he stole my 100k , 这家伙偷了我的钱,要小心他,他在双截龙工作,他不想拿回我的钱,他总是在黑客帝国的介绍 zzyz 梦想阶段喝酒,假装有钱,偷其他钱来取乐,他偷了我的 10 万p 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   投稿爆料:@jx586



#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱

#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱 This guy stole money to me be careful with him he work in double dragon and he dont want to get back my money he always drinking in intro zzyz dream stage in matrix pretending to have money and stole other money to have fun he stole my 100k , 这家伙偷了我的钱,要小心他,他在双截龙工作,他不想拿回我的钱,他总是在黑客帝国的介绍 zzyz 梦想阶段喝酒,假装有钱,偷其他钱来取乐,他偷了我的 10 万p 点击订阅东南亚全网曝光频道   投稿爆料:@dx58986


#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱

#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱 This guy stole money to me be careful with him he work in double dragon and he dont want to get back my money he always drinking in intro zzyz dream stage in matrix pretending to have money and stole other money to have fun he stole my 100k , 这家伙偷了我的钱,要小心他,他在双截龙工作,他不想拿回我的钱,他总是在黑客帝国的介绍 zzyz 梦想阶段喝酒,假装有钱,偷其他钱来取乐,他偷了我的 10 万p 广告赞助 中菲速递菲律宾 信誉之最物流 中菲海运空运 布偶猫舍 种猫均为赛级布偶,纯散养家庭在菲猫舍 开云2024年重磅推出新的直营站-九游娱乐 免费投稿/曝光/澄清@FChengph 今日新闻频道@cctvPH


#小菲投稿POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boy

#小菲投稿 POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boyfriend. We live together for almost 3 years. Suddenly yesterday he left our apartment and stole my gold jewelries. I found out after getting home from work. His saying I owe him a money. But in-factI never owe him a money . He knows exactly where is the money his talking about. Tell him stop gaslighting his own lies. Be careful if you see him in the future. Don't trust this person. Good at pretending as a good person yet he steal things as if nothing. P.S - The gold jewelries that he stole, its from my own money while working and gifts from my long time partner before. 发帖以引起注意。照片中的这个男人是我的前男友。我们在一起生活了将近 3 年。 昨天他突然离开我们的公寓,偷走了我的金首饰。我下班回家后才发现的。 他说我欠他钱。但事实上我从来没有欠他钱。他确切地知道他所说的钱在哪里。告诉他别再自欺欺人了。 如果你以后再见到他,一定要小心。不要相信这个人。他擅长假装好人,但他偷东西却若无其事。 附注他偷的金首饰是我工作时自己的钱和我以前相恋多年的伴侣送的礼物。


#群友投稿#偷钱I reported this person for stealing clients' money. He o

#群友投稿#偷钱 I reported this person for stealing clients' money. He often went to each company he worked for for a period of time, stole clients' information, and stole clients' money. This despicable and hateful behavior created a bad working environment among colleagues. So please pay attention to this person, Chinese bosses. This has caused serious impact on your company. 我举报了这个人偷客户的钱,他经常在一段时间内去他工作的每个公司,偷客户的信息,偷客户的钱。这种卑鄙可恶的行为在同事中造成了不好的工作环境。所以请各位中国老板们注意这个人。这给贵公司造成了严重的影响。


#菲妹投稿 #家被偷了

#菲妹投稿 #家被偷了 be careful with these people, this filipino couple named NASH and her girlfriend named Catherine Jatico also hide to “KAI” this two shits they are drug addicts and thieves, on December 20 they stole my stuffs at home in IRISH TIVOLI, as I am in the province and didn’t know anything, the girl namedKAI backstabbed one of our friends who live in TIVOLI so I don’t hesitate to contact them. they go to ourroom and steal all the things they can sell and they sold it to have use of illegal drugs, this man is a notorious person and thief a dancer model his self he also sell his body to gays so they can spend the money to buy drugs and when he doesn't get what he wants he will convince his girlfriend to sell herself to the chinese or any foreign people, be careful because they might be included you also in their robbery, this woman likes to scam Chinese people and cheat others to get money for their addiction. I just found out that I have no things left at home and they already sell our computers and other things. 要小心这些人,这对菲律宾夫妇名叫 NASH,她的女朋友名叫 Catherine Jatico,也躲在“KAI”这个混蛋后面,他们是吸毒者和小偷,12 月 20 日,他们偷了我在爱尔兰 TIVOLI 家里的东西,因为我在省里,什么都不知道,这个名叫 KAI 的女孩背叛了我们一个住在 TIVOLI 的朋友,所以我毫不犹豫地联系了他们。他们去了我们的房间,偷了所有可以卖的东西,然后卖掉它们来购买非法毒品,这个男人是一个臭名昭著的小偷,他是一名舞者,自己做模特,他还把自己的身体卖给同性恋者,这样他们就可以花钱买毒品 当他得不到他想要的东西时,他就会说服他的女朋友把自己卖给中国人或任何外国人,要小心,因为他们可能也把你包括在他们的抢劫中,这个女人喜欢骗中国人,欺骗他人来为他们的毒瘾赚钱。我刚刚发现我家里没有剩余的东西了,他们已经把我们的电脑和其他东西都卖掉了。


#小菲投稿 #绑架Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is th

#小菲投稿 #绑架 Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is the father of my unborn child he abandoned me and he wants me to abortion the child my mother won’t allowed to have abortion and now I’m asking for her support even he give me money to my give birth justI hope you can help me he ignore me and I can’t contact him He promised me to send money last month the end of the month to support the child but he doesn’t do it 翻译:你好,我在寻求帮助,我在找这个男人,他是我未出生孩子的父亲,他抛弃了我,他要我堕胎,我母亲不允许我堕胎,现在我请求她的支持,甚至他给我钱让我生孩子,只是我希望你能帮助我,他不理我,我也联系不上他。 他答应我上个月月底寄钱给我抚养孩子,但他没有做到。 PS:这是被绑了啊

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