#网友投稿#签证 #清关
#网友投稿#签证 #清关
ECC exit custom clearance/出境清关
It depends on what visa your holding. Tourist visa expired until 4 years can apply ECC in T3 airport. 9G VISA but not under pogo company can also apply in airport. (500p ECC & 2000 each month for extension of VISA) You go to T1 first to get your boarding pass or which airlines in your ticket and go to T3 to get an ECC. However, If your 9G visa holder but under pogo company you can't apply an ECC to to airport even if you downgraded it to tourist visa. Airport will check your documents and visa if your 9G is under POGO or not. If it's under POGO they will tell you to go in out MAIN IMMIGRATION OFFICE (INTRAMUROS, MANILA) and if you arrived there they will ask you to fill out form. 20 days to 1 months of processing of ECC and visa extension if your 9G is under pogo company before.
If your want to go back in your country and there's no plan to go back here in philippines. It's better to process it by yourself don't get an agent or people to help you process it. It will just take a lot of time waste of time. You process it by yourself it's mote convenient and more cheap. Don't be fooled by others.
翻译:ECC 出境清关
这取决于您持有的签证。旅游签证有效期不超过 4 年,可以在 T3 机场申请 ECC。9G 签证但不属于 pogo 公司,也可以在机场申请。(每月 500p ECC 和 2000 元用于签证延期)您先去 T1 领取登机牌或机票上的航空公司,然后去 T3 领取 ECC。但是,如果您的 9G 签证持有人属于 pogo 公司,即使您将其降级为旅游签证,您也无法在机场申请 ECC。机场将检查您的文件和签证,看您的 9G 是否属于 POGO。如果属于 POGO,他们会告诉您进入主要移民局(INTRAMUROS,马尼拉),如果您到达那里,他们会要求您填写表格。如果您的 9G 之前属于 pogo 公司,则需要 20 天到 1 个月的时间处理 ECC 和签证延期。