悬赏,绑架未遂 黑车
悬赏,绑架未遂 黑车
凌晨两点左右我一个人从黄金岁月打车回家,十分钟不到路程居然收我5000p前面以为他只是要500将就给他了,没啥的贪得无厌,结果是5000刚好我身上没那么多,给了4000他还不愿意要把我拉到偏僻地方,NBI电话我都准备打了,这菲律宾人穷疯了吗,这是人干的事??敲诈到我头上来了妈的,老子是会受这个气的吗正准备跟他殊死搏斗了他赶紧放我下车灰溜溜跑,我下车第一时间记住车牌号NCF5889 这b嚣张的态度绝对是惯犯 现在悬赏3万人民币查到家庭给他家都烧了车砸了有兴趣联系 @chigua1a
Bounty, Kidnapping, Black Car At about two o'clock in the morning, I took a taxi home from Golden Years, and they actually charged me 5,000 pesos for the ten-minute journey. I thought he only wanted 500 pesos, so I gave it to him. there is nothing. But he was too greedy and the result was 5,000 pesos. I don’t have that much on me. Even if I paid 4,000, they would take me to a remote place. I'm going to call the NBI and the police. Are these Filipinos so poor and crazy? Is this what humans do? ? Blackmail is coming to me. Damn, I was so angry and I was about to fight him to the death. He quickly asked me to get out of the car and ran away in despair. When I got out of the car, I immediately remembered the license plate number NCF5889. Such an arrogant attitude. He is definitely a repeat offender. There is now a reward of 250,000 peso If he found out, his family would burn his car and house to get revenge on him. If you are interested please contact @chigua1a
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