Updated to version 4.5
Updated to version 4.5 If anyone wants a finished build with all the NSFW female characters, here it is. It also has most of the fixed NPCs. Most of the characters can switch between skins. There is no censorship underwater or on land. This is a fully finished build. Just run "3DMigoto Loader" and the game. In the folder "Mods" is a file to update the mods and also, notepad where all hotkeys are specified. This is not my mods, it is a collection of other people's mods. I did not specify the authors of the mods, as I did not think that even I will put this collection. But I express my sincere gratitude for their labor. I'm supposed to do a preview, I know. But given the fact that there are too many mods, I have no idea how to do it, so as not to stretch the video to infinity. If anyone needs an individual character, let me know. _ Link: https://mega.nz/file/DvpxGL4a#YYisAR5SKDCK0HYZwLIuDjjL-QpzOw9Te2a-K048BFo #Aloyhalf #Ayaka #Amber #Barbara #Beidou #Candace #Charlotte #Chevreuse #Chiori #Clorinde #Collei #Dehya #Diona #Dori #Eula #Faruzan #Fischl #Fremine #Furina #Ganyu #HuTao #Jean #Keqing #Kirara #Klee #Kokomi #KujouSara #KukiShinobu #Layla #Lisa #Lynette #Mona #Nahida #Navia #Nilou #Ningguang #Noelle #Paimon #Qiqi #RaidenShogun #Rosaria #Sayu #Shenhe #Sucrose #Xiangling #Xianyun #Xinyan #YaeMiko #Yanfei #Yaoyao #Yelan #Yoimiya #YunJin #NPC #埃洛伊 #安柏 #神里绫华 #芭芭拉 #北斗 #坎迪斯 #千织 #迪希雅 #迪奥娜 #琴 #刻晴 #夏洛蒂 #夏沃蕾 #柯莱 #多莉 #优菈 #珐露珊 #菲谢尔 #芙宁娜 #甘雨 #胡桃 #可莉 #珊瑚宫心海 #九条裟罗 #久岐忍 #来伊拉 #丽莎 #莫娜 #纳西妲 #娜维娅 #妮露 #凝光 #诺艾尔 #派蒙 #七七 #雷电将军 #罗莎莉亚 #早柚 #申鹤 #砂糖 #香菱 #辛焱 #八重神子 #烟绯 #瑶瑶 #夜兰 #宵宫 #云堇 #绮良良 #琳妮特 #菲米尼 #闲云 #克洛琳德

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