Updated to version 4.5

Updated to version 4.5 If anyone wants a finished build with all the NSFW female characters, here it is. It also has most of the fixed NPCs. Most of the characters can switch between skins. There is no censorship underwater or on land. This is a fully finished build. Just run "3DMigoto Loader" and the game. In the folder "Mods" is a file to update the mods and also, notepad where all hotkeys are specified. This is not my mods, it is a collection of other people's mods. I did not specify the authors of the mods, as I did not think that even I will put this collection. But I express my sincere gratitude for their labor. I'm supposed to do a preview, I know. But given the fact that there are too many mods, I have no idea how to do it, so as not to stretch the video to infinity. If anyone needs an individual character, let me know. _ Link: https://mega.nz/file/DvpxGL4a#YYisAR5SKDCK0HYZwLIuDjjL-QpzOw9Te2a-K048BFo #Aloyhalf #Ayaka #Amber #Barbara #Beidou #Candace #Charlotte #Chevreuse #Chiori #Clorinde #Collei #Dehya #Diona #Dori #Eula #Faruzan #Fischl #Fremine #Furina #Ganyu #HuTao #Jean #Keqing #Kirara #Klee #Kokomi #KujouSara #KukiShinobu #Layla #Lisa #Lynette #Mona #Nahida #Navia #Nilou #Ningguang #Noelle #Paimon #Qiqi #RaidenShogun #Rosaria #Sayu #Shenhe #Sucrose #Xiangling #Xianyun #Xinyan #YaeMiko #Yanfei #Yaoyao #Yelan #Yoimiya #YunJin #NPC #埃洛伊 #安柏 #神里绫华 #芭芭拉 #北斗 #坎迪斯 #千织 #迪希雅 #迪奥娜 #琴 #刻晴 #夏洛蒂 #夏沃蕾 #柯莱 #多莉 #优菈 #珐露珊 #菲谢尔 #芙宁娜 #甘雨 #胡桃 #可莉 #珊瑚宫心海 #九条裟罗 #久岐忍 #来伊拉 #丽莎 #莫娜 #纳西妲 #娜维娅 #妮露 #凝光 #诺艾尔 #派蒙 #七七 #雷电将军 #罗莎莉亚 #早柚 #申鹤 #砂糖 #香菱 #辛焱 #八重神子 #烟绯 #瑶瑶 #夜兰 #宵宫 #云堇 #绮良良 #琳妮特 #菲米尼 #闲云 #克洛琳德




我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。 I always thought, I did not feel sorry for anyone, but now I know, I am the most sorry, is my own. #女头


What is DeepSeek? And How Is It Upending A.I.?

What is DeepSeek? And How Is It Upending A.I.? How did a little-known Chinese start-up cause the markets and U.S. tech giants to quake? Here’s what to know. - 电报频道 - #娟姐新闻: @juanjienews


这个女人和我交朋友 我邀请她到我家来见我的其他朋友 他们在我家喝酒 我不知道她有勾引我丈夫的计划 他们发生了性关系 甚至她知道我

这个女人和我交朋友 我邀请她到我家来见我的其他朋友 他们在我家喝酒 我不知道她有勾引我丈夫的计划 他们发生了性关系 甚至她知道我怀孕了 然后我开始流血 现在我因为发生的事情住进了医院 我不知道我做错了什么 我是一个非常善良的人 This woman make friend on me and i invite her to my house to meet my other friends and they drinking to my house i didn't know she have a plan to seduced my husband and they have sex. Even she know im pregnant Then i got bleeding now I’m in hospital because of what happened i dont know what did i do I’m very kind peopleplease don’t indicate my name


Also cool: the latest version of the CoverScreen OS app enables

Also cool: the latest version of the CoverScreen OS app enables auto-rotation support for other apps on the cover screen of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 and 6! Apps being able to auto-rotate is one of the better changes that Xiaomi did for its MIX Flip, so I'm glad to see a third-party developer implement this feature on Samsung's flippables. The benefit of auto-rotation on the cover screen is that certain apps like Spotify display different buttons/details in landscape versus portrait, as shown in this video by the developer. (Again, not sponsored, always happy to S/O cool apps from indie devs!)-电报频道- #娟姐新闻:@juanjienews


#小菲投稿Does anyone know this Chinese man who didn't pay rent and v

#小菲投稿 Does anyone know this Chinese man who didn't pay rent and vandalized the room. When renting, he said he had no money and did not pay a deposit for the room. Because it was introduced by another tenant who is familiar with it, I guaranteed him. Please contact me immediately or call the police! And expose all passport information! ! 有谁认识这个没交房租还破坏房间的华人,租房时说自己没钱,也没付房间押金,因为是另一个熟悉的租客介绍的,我给他担保,请立刻联系我或者报警!并且把护照信息全部曝光!!


双向限制 解除 @SpamBot

双向限制 解除 @SpamBot 点击开始 跟着上面的选项选择: 1.But I can’t meassage non-contacts! 2.No, I’ll never do any of this! 3.第三个是自己打字发送的 (点击复制即可): I don’t know,but i am unable to send any message to anyone. 完成上面的步骤后,机器人会推送上述的请求去后台审核,审核通过没有问题后,就会解除控制了。 *因为滥发垃圾信息或是其他违反规定所造成的,官方会需要评估严重程度,可能不会解除限制。 第二教程

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