[Update 4]For replying my post, the og author sent his new fixed
[Update 4] For replying my post, the og author sent his new fixed ver for 4.6: https://arca.live/b/genshinskinmode/106789788 at the same time, im also preparing for the competed fixing. Now i completed my all fix. U can come here to c the differences: https://gamebanana.com/mods/514740 cuz the og one will be unavailable with its E-Skill toggle for V4.7 or V4.8(unless theog author updates again then u go there to dl again), i'd upload my edited ver. two version in my edited mod. one toggle with the key N and the other toggle with E-Skill. [Update 5] Someone reported that weapon is unavailable to toggle. in fact,i dunno her weapon has golden ver before... Now the weapon is replacing to the Favonius Greatsword, u can change it into whatever u want. [Update 6] Fixed a little for charactor merged.ini . and someone reported dat she also has Qskill toggle about her weapon through the source code, but neither him nor i can see the difference between dat bc Qskill fx is sm conspicuous... nvm it, im too lazy to update dat.

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