mod发布区禁止闲聊与问答,违者禁言or踢出群。 分享mod时最好标注好作者名和来源,标上标签方便搜寻。 对作者的尊重就是对mod社区的支持。 如果你介意他人搬运你的mod,可以联系该分享者或管理员进行删除。 如果发现倒卖者或盗狗,也可联系管理员踢出。 mod release topic prohibit chat and Q&A, violators get banned or kick out. When sharing mods, it is best to Write AUTHOR's NAME And SOURCE, and add #CharacterName for easy search. Respect for the author is support for the mod community . If you mind others sharing your mod, you can contact the sharer or administrator to remove it If you find a fraudulent reseller or thief, you can also contact the administrator to kick out.

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。