#骗子 #换汇欺诈 #阳光大楼医生
#骗子 #换汇欺诈 #阳光大楼医生 50 Williams F.B Harrison PASAY City阳光大楼医生,跟你换汇375000p,五万人民币付了,现金p我没有拿到,换汇失联,换汇的人我不认识,跟我有毛关系,19天时间了,我被关着,无法起诉你,你再不赔钱,继续曝光你这丑陋的面目,跟你的职业完全不匹配,自损八百,伤你一千也得搞你 Currency exchange fraud 50 Williams F.B Harrison PASAY City Sunshine Building doctor, I exchanged 375000p with you. I paid 50,000 yuan, but I didn’t get the cash p. I lost contact during the exchange. I don’t know the person who exchanged the exchange. He has something to do with me. 19 daysIt's time. I'm locked up and can't sue you. If you don't pay compensation, you will continue to expose your ugly face. It is completely inconsistent with your profession. I will harm myself by 800 yuan and I will hurt you by 1000 yuan.

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