#小菲投稿Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience abou

#小菲投稿 Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience about the Chinese men since I have sex to him my pussy is always itch from now i meet him in club when I'm drunk Im just wonder he take me to her home in BGC and he took advantage of my weakness and he sex me i just remembered before he sex me he give me something cold water but when I drink that water I tasted something he put something to my water like a drugs because I take a drugs before that's why I know the taste of that after a minute Im fall asleep so fast he fuck me and I sleep. When I'm wake up I smell her boxer had a bad smell like he had a disease so bad smell and now I'm worried to myself that I'm infected as far as I know he has a very beautiful wife who looks natural based on my colleagues and all of them are jealous of luca's wife because they say she doesn't need surgery to look better 频道赞助商广告 频道合作小祁天眼查档 铂莱娱乐新人首存领豪礼官方直营谨防假冒 西港赌场出码诚招中介代理祝君逢赌必赢 曝光/悬赏/合作 @DNYZLBL



#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and

#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and avoid him because he was acting to look for serious relationship and deceive a girl that he is very serious, he was playing me and friend at the same time and lying to both of us, he just deceiving girls so he can have free sex with different girls, i'm afraid in the future he might spread diseases for the young girls he is targetting 翻译:我想揭穿他,这样其他女孩就会意识到并避开他,因为他是在寻找认真的关系,并欺骗一个女孩,说他很认真,他同时在玩弄我和我朋友,对我们两个都撒谎,他只是在欺骗女孩,这样他就可以和不同的女孩发生自由性关系,我担心将来他可能会给他瞄准的年轻女孩传播疾病· ·


#小菲投稿 #陈耿成Hello, can you post this on your channel and ask if so

#小菲投稿 #陈耿成 Hello, can you post this on your channel and ask if someone recognize this man? His passport was with me. I think he also got scammed. This passport was delivered to me together with my staff passport and I dont know who owns this. If someone knows him, please tell him to send me a message immediately to get his passport back. Thankyou. 你好,你能把这个发到你的频道上,问问有没有人认识这个人吗? 他的护照在我这里。我想他也被骗了。这本护照是和我的员工护照一起寄给我的,我不知道这是谁的。如果有人认识他,请让他立即给我发信息,拿回他的护照。谢谢。 【智维专流程外包 十年真诚服务】 @Cognix2015 AV @Daacy 国产 @Qobri 吃瓜@Xocow色瓜 @Ton5c 表情包@iubas/.


#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and

#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and avoid him because he was acting to look for serious relationship and deceive a girl that he is very serious, he was playing me and friend at the same time and lying to both of us, he just deceiving girls so he can have free sex with different girls, i'm afraid in the future he might spread diseases for the young girls he is targetting 翻译:我想揭穿他,这样其他女孩就会意识到并避开他,因为他是在寻找认真的关系,并欺骗一个女孩,说他很认真,他同时在玩弄我和我朋友,对我们两个都撒谎,他只是在欺骗女孩,这样他就可以和不同的女孩发生自由性关系,我担心将来他可能会给他瞄准的年轻女孩传播疾病


#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and

#小菲投稿 i want to expose him so the other girls will be aware and avoid him because he was acting to look for serious relationship and deceive a girl that he is very serious, he was playing me and friend at the same time and lying to both of us, he just deceiving girls so he can have free sex with different girls, i'm afraid in the future he might spread diseases for the young girls he is targetting 翻译:我想揭穿他,这样其他女孩就会意识到并避开他,因为他是在寻找认真的关系,并欺骗一个女孩,说他很认真,他同时在玩弄我和我朋友,对我们两个都撒谎,他只是在欺骗女孩,这样他就可以和不同的女孩发生自由性关系,我担心将来他可能会给他瞄准的年轻女孩传播疾病· 订阅东南亚华人日记频道  ↓ t.me/+BXWIT1HWORBlZGFh 免费投稿爆料: @awen634


#小菲投稿 #绑架Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is th

#小菲投稿 #绑架 Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is the father of my unborn child he abandoned me and he wants me to abortion the child my mother won’t allowed to have abortion and now I’m asking for her support even he give me money to my give birth justI hope you can help me he ignore me and I can’t contact him He promised me to send money last month the end of the month to support the child but he doesn’t do it 翻译:你好,我在寻求帮助,我在找这个男人,他是我未出生孩子的父亲,他抛弃了我,他要我堕胎,我母亲不允许我堕胎,现在我请求她的支持,甚至他给我钱让我生孩子,只是我希望你能帮助我,他不理我,我也联系不上他。 他答应我上个月月底寄钱给我抚养孩子,但他没有做到。


#小菲投稿 #绑架Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is th

#小菲投稿 #绑架 Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is the father of my unborn child he abandoned me and he wants me to abortion the child my mother won’t allowed to have abortion and now I’m asking for her support even he give me money to my give birth justI hope you can help me he ignore me and I can’t contact him He promised me to send money last month the end of the month to support the child but he doesn’t do it 翻译:你好,我在寻求帮助,我在找这个男人,他是我未出生孩子的父亲,他抛弃了我,他要我堕胎,我母亲不允许我堕胎,现在我请求她的支持,甚至他给我钱让我生孩子,只是我希望你能帮助我,他不理我,我也联系不上他。 他答应我上个月月底寄钱给我抚养孩子,但他没有做到。 PS:这是被绑了啊

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