Dozens of Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Leaders Sentenced in Mass Tria

Dozens of Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Leaders Sentenced in Mass Trial The 45 defendants, including Joshua Wong, were at the forefront of the opposition movement crushed by Beijing. Many have already been in jail for years. -电报频道- #娟姐新闻:@juanjienews



Meet One of Hong Kong’s Last Few Pro-Democracy Activists

Meet One of Hong Kong’s Last Few Pro-Democracy Activists For Chan Po-ying, a labor rights leader, life is one of constant police surveillance, even on hikes. But she finds solace from tiny gestures of support. -电报频道- #娟姐新闻:@juanjienews


A Pro-Democracy Newspaper Shuts Down: Hong Kong

A Pro-Democracy Newspaper Shuts Down: Hong Kong 日本新闻节目(英语):后苹果日报记者时代 Link: After 26 years, Hong Kong's biggest pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, closed in June 2021. We meet the reporters who lost their jobs, and follow the new ways they are finding to examine their city's future. #日本 #NHK #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #新闻自由无价 #守护真相 #撑苹果 #壹传媒 #灭声 #匪安法


Don't forget CCP’s arrest of 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong

Don't forget CCP’s arrest of 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong 1 year ago. This is a major step for CCP to eradicate freedom of Hong Kong. Many of the activists are still in custody, without bail. #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners #FreeHongKong #Save47 #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #毋忘手足 #在囚手足


Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, Tonyee Chow got sentenced for

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, Tonyee Chow got sentenced for 15 months for lightening a candle in public. Designer IG @ccp_propaganda_page_2 #邹幸彤 #六四集会 #维园 #煽动颠覆国家政权 #支联会 #打压异见 #公民社会 #散播恐惧 #港共落地狱 #毋忘六四 #天安门屠城 #共狗死清光


#US #摄影展#残响 #Berkeley #毋忘抗争

#US #摄影展#残响 #Berkeley #毋忘抗争 摄影展 《残响》 Photography Exhibition: Echoes of Defiance 「残存之回声,响荡其韵长。」 四位摄影师将会透过镜头重现2019年的抗争景象及香港近年的急剧转变。随著国安法的实施,接踵而来的是各种大搜捕、政治打压及被篡改的事实。此作品展旨在保留港人不惧强权、对抗中共不为瓦全的精神,藉著相片为抗争意志作残响,并重温过往被主流媒体遗忘的历史。 Through the lenses of four Hong Kong photographers, the exhibition brings you back to Hong Kong’s defiance in 2019 and walks you through the drastic change in recent years. The photographs capture firsthand the historic scenes during Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. We hope to illuminate stories and ideas that go beyond mainstream media coverage and provide a space for communities to discuss journalism and matters around Hong Kong. 展览开幕 Opening: April 9th, 2-5pm 展览日期 Exhibition: April 8th - May 1st 开放时间 Opening hours: Fridays-Sundays 12-5 pm 地址 Location: 4th Street Fine Art Gallery 门票全免,捐款随缘 Free Admission, Donation welcomed Posted by IG @hkaaberk

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