职工盟主席吴敏儿自2021年2月28日起被关柙,至今未判先囚至超过两年。 联合国经济、社会及文化权利委员会副主席Michael
职工盟主席吴敏儿自2021年2月28日起被关柙,至今未判先囚至超过两年。 联合国经济、社会及文化权利委员会副主席Michael Windfuhr 在二月审议香港人权状况时,特别提到她的个案,质疑当局任意拒绝她的保释申请。
Carol Ng, former Chairperson of the HKCTU has been remanded in custody for over 2 years, since 28 February 2021. Her case was highlighted by Michael Windfuhr, the vice-chair of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, during the committee’s latest review on Hong Kong in Feburary.
Free Carol Ng 释放吴敏儿
Free all political prisoners in Hong Kong
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