
#解决不能在公开群发言教程 双向有三个渠道解开 1、私聊双向机器人 @SpamBot 发送fuck you 2、走官方申诉网站申诉 https://telegram.org/support 3、发送邮件 注意哈 三个邮箱都要发邮件 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 好像是5个都要发 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] mailto:[email protected] 邮件格式: my number + didn't post any advertising content, but my account was prompted not to post messages in the group, which had a huge impact on me. I use telegram to chat with my family and friends, which will hinder the communication between me and my family. And I also subscribed to telegram members. I hope you guys can unblock me so I can keep subscribing as a telegram member! Thank you so much!



#账户解封模板  #解封

#账户解封模板  #解封 联系 Telegram 官方/客服: * App→设置→帮助与反馈 * 客服页面: * 官方 Twitter: * 登陆问题, 找Twitter: * 官方FAQ: * 发邮件给官方:     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected] * Telegram 客户端反馈群:     iOS - @tgiostests     macOS - @macswift     Desktop - @TelegramDesktopTalk 申诉反馈模板1: 主题: Please recover my Telegram account 内容: Dear Telegram Support Team,I am writing to appeal the recent ban on my Telegram account. I understand that my account has been blocked for violating the terms of service, but I would like to explain the circumstances surrounding this situation. I can assure you that my actions were not intentional and I did not have any malicious intent. I understand the importance of following the rules and regulations set by Telegram, and I regret any actions that may have led to my account being banned. I would be grateful if you could consider lifting the ban on my account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and I have used it for many years to communicate with friends and family. Losing access to my account would have a significant impact on my daily life. Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to hearing back from you and hopefully having my account reinstated. My mobile number is xxxx 申诉反馈模板2: 内容: My Telegram account was banned a long time, i think Anti-Spam system triggered wrong action, its mistake that account was banned. Now i have again got access, but still I'm limited to anything. It's wrong & false triggered action i should say. I have been a loyal to Telegram & even contributed to better Telegram. I am requesting for removal of account limitations. 提醒: 申诉后,官方会核查你的账户,并根据情况恢复你的账户,但不一定就能解封! 有人申诉后解封了,有人申诉了多次也未解封,不能一概而论!


联系 Telegram 官方/客服:

联系 Telegram 官方/客服: * App→设置→帮助与反馈 * 客服页面: https://telegram.org/support * 官方 Twitter: https://twitter.com/telegram * 登陆问题, 找Twitter: https://twitter.com/smstelegram * 官方FAQ: https://telegra.ph/Common-Login-Problems-03-12 * 发邮件给官方: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] * Telegram 客户端反馈群: iOS - @tgiostests macOS - @macswift Desktop - @TelegramDesktopTalk 申诉反馈模板1: 主题: Please recover my Telegram account 内容: Dear Telegram Support Team,I am writing to appeal the recent ban on my Telegram account. I understand that my account has been blocked for violating the terms of service, but I would like to explain the circumstances surrounding this situation. I can assure you that my actions were not intentional and I did not have any malicious intent. I understand the importance of following the rules and regulations set by Telegram, and I regret any actions that may have led to my account being banned. I would be grateful if you could consider lifting the ban on my account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and I have used it for many years to communicate with friends and family. Losing access to my account would have a significant impact on my daily life. Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to hearing back from you and hopefully having my account reinstated. My mobile number is xxxx 申诉反馈模板2: 内容: My Telegram account was banned a long time, i think Anti-Spam system triggered wrong action, its mistake that account was banned. Now i have again got access, but still I'm limited to anything. It's wrong & false triggered action i should say. I have been a loyal to Telegram & even contributed to better Telegram. I am requesting for removal of account limitations. 提醒: 申诉后,官方会核查你的账户,并根据情况恢复你的账户,但不一定就能解封! 有人申诉后解封了,有人申诉了多次也未解封,不能一概而论!


#Telegram 账号解封

#Telegram 账号解封 发送邮件至 [email protected] 标题 Banned phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx 正文 I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx But Telegram says it's banned. Please help. I need this account it's on my most used number. App version: 8.7.4 (26367) OS version: SDK 30 Device Android Thank you. 如违规情节不严重,大概 7 天内会解封 另一个就是在页面申诉了,说明一下具体的情况,翻译成英文的就行


Telegram 账号封禁解决方案

Telegram 账号封禁解决方案 Q:如何解封我的账号呢? A:有以下几种方式 ▪① 耐心等待 ▪② 发送Telegram解封邮件 使用任意邮箱,编辑邮件并发送至 Email: [email protected] 邮件格式 - 邮件标题: Banned phone number: 例(+1 234 567 8900)中国号码开头是 +86! I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 234 567 8900 But Telegram says it's banned. Please help. I need this account it's on my most used number. App version: XXX OS version: XXX Device XXX Thank you. ▪③ Telegram 官方客服申请 打开下方网站: 申请格式 - Please describe your problem: Dear Sir/Ma'am. MY number +1 234 567 8900 been banned and i am not able to figure out the reason for supension,please help me to recover my account. Thank you. - Your email: [email protected] - Your phone number: +1 234 567 8900 这个方法比较管用,因为知道的人比较少,合理情况下用不了多久就可以解封。 内容仅供参考,最好说出账号真实情况,具体细节和理由。 ▪④ 轰炸客服 联系 X 客服账号: 疯狂发消息,消息按照上方介绍的②和③格式即可。 总结一下 关于解封,②、③、④一套组合拳下去,加上的耐心等待,只要情况不是特别严重大概率都是可以解封的。 主要是耐心,如果不奏效就天天试,天天发,这是一场持久战。


TG 账户被强制注销 申诉办法

TG 账户被强制注销 申诉办法 方法 1 使用自己任意一个邮箱,编辑邮件发送至 ① [email protected][email protected][email protected] 邮件内容如下: 邮件标题 Banned phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx 邮件内容 I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help. I need this account it’s on my most used number. App version: 8.7.4 (26367) OS version: SDK 30 Device Android Thank you. 邮件中 +1 xxx xxx xxxx 是您 Telegram 登入手机号,+1 是指国家号,中国是 +86,千万别弄错了。邮件寄出后大概 1~7 天 Telegram 就可以正常登录了,前提是您封号的原因不是严重违规。Telegram 官方客服人员非常少,所以三个邮箱多多不间断轰炸。如果想要快速解封(12 小时不到)请使用第二种以及第三种方法。 方法 2 用手机或者电脑浏览器打开链接 这个网页是 Telegram 官方支持页面。 Please describe your problem 内容填写如下,自行编辑也可以。 Dear Sir/Ma’am. My number +1 xxx xxx xxxx been banned and i am not able to figure out the reason for supension,please help me to recover my account. Thank you. Your email 内容填写 随便填写一个 Your phone number 内容填写 你的 Telegram 登录手机号码 方法 3 打开 Telegram 官方推特 私聊发送方法 1 或方法 2 邮件内容。不少群友说,这个方法挺奏效的,编辑一下添加上。


Telegram 被封禁解封方法二

Telegram 被封禁解封方法二 使用自己任意一个邮箱,编辑邮件发送至 ① [email protected][email protected][email protected] ,邮件内容如下 邮件标题 Banned phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx 邮件内容 I’m trying to use my mobile phone number: +1 xxx xxx xxxx But Telegram says it’s banned. Please help. I need this account it’s on my most used number. App version: 8.7.4 (26367) OS version: SDK 30 Device Android Thank you. 邮件中 +1 xxx xxx xxxx 是您 Telegram 登入手机号,+1 是指国家号,中国是 +86,千万别弄错了。邮件寄出后大概 1~7 天 Telegram 就可以正常登录了,前提是您封号的原因不是严重违规。Telegram 官方客服人员非常少,所以三个邮箱多多不间断轰炸。

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。
