#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo
#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo Address: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff has no result but still the company gave her a chance to work. But in return she just betrayed all her colleagues, friends and the boss. This fat girl should not be part of any company, it will just bring a bad luck to your business. She just know how to eat like a pig and make a big trouble. 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司担任 CSR。这种员工没有成绩,但公司仍然给了她工作的机会。但作为回报,她背叛了她所有的同事、朋友和老板。这个胖女孩不应该成为任何公司的一员,这只会给你的生意带来厄运。她只知道如何像猪一样吃东西并制造大麻烦。

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