#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo

#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo Address: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff has no result but still the company gave her a chance to work. But in return she just betrayed all her colleagues, friends and the boss. This fat girl should not be part of any company, it will just bring a bad luck to your business. She just know how to eat like a pig and make a big trouble. 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司担任 CSR。这种员工没有成绩,但公司仍然给了她工作的机会。但作为回报,她背叛了她所有的同事、朋友和老板。这个胖女孩不应该成为任何公司的一员,这只会给你的生意带来厄运。她只知道如何像猪一样吃东西并制造大麻烦。




#网友投稿#各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底


#网友投稿  #各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底

#网友投稿  #各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底



#各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底 【智维专流程外包 十年真诚服务】 @Cognix2015 AV @Daacy 国产 @Qobri 吃瓜@Xocow色瓜 @Ton5c 二次元 @pua915 表情包@iubas/.


菲律宾 卧底 各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底

菲律宾 卧底 各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底


#世界爆料 #小菲投稿

#世界爆料 #小菲投稿 Who knows this person? (Lesbian) Working in POGO before in the Philippines and now applied to our company here in Cambodia but she didn't show up and ran away with the money that was supposed to be her pocket money and when her flight arrived on FEBRUARY 24, 2025 she didn't give a show up! She deleted all our conversation and she make new one account, So please don't hire her because she is a liar and can't be trusted. All the proof is in the picture! BE AWARE! 706USD=40,870 peso-8470 peso (flight ticket)=balance 32400 peso (for next flight ticket expense & petty cash on her hand) 谁认识这个人? (女同性恋)之前在菲律宾的 POGO 工作,现在申请了我们在柬埔寨的公司,但她没有出现,并带着本该是她的零用钱的钱逃跑了,当她的航班于 2025 年 2 月 24 日抵达时,她没有出现!她删除了我们所有的对话,并创建了一个新帐户,所以请不要雇用她,因为她是个骗子,不可信任。一切证据都在图中!请注意! 706USD=40,870比索-8470比索(机票)=余额32400比索(用于下次机票费用和她手上的零用钱) :这也没有多少钱就跑路了吗? 1⃣ 3⃣ 4⃣ 5⃣ 6⃣ 频道的方向


#小菲投稿This girl seduced my husband. She has a boyfriend and child

#小菲投稿 This girl seduced my husband. She has a boyfriend and children, but is still chatting with other men. My husband met her when he bought cigarettes.Tell me the location. I just want to remind her not to seduce my husband. She has a Chinese boyfriend. I hope her boyfriend sees my message, and I hope you can manage your girlfriend well and not let her seduce my husband. This girl told my boyfriend that she is pregnant. I know you've known each other for a long time. This girl often says that her boyfriend is very stingy and doesn't provide living expenses, so she often seeks out my boyfriend. 这个女孩勾引我老公,有男朋友有孩子,还跟别的男人聊天,我老公买烟的时候认识的,告诉我地点,我就是想提醒她别勾引我老公,她有个中国男朋友,希望她男朋友看到我的信息,也希望你能管好你的女朋友,别让她勾引我老公。这个女孩跟我男朋友说她怀孕了,我知道你们认识很久了,这个女孩经常说她男朋友很小气,不给生活费,所以经常找我男朋友。

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