#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellota

#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellotalk? Don’t meet him, he and his boyfriend might have disease already. Just don’t want anyone to fall on their traps to meet you and sleep with you. Girls be careful 翻译:有人在 Facebook 约会或 Hellotalk 上和这个家伙聊天吗? 不要见他,他和他的男朋友可能已经患病了。只是不想让任何人落入他们的陷阱,与你见面并和你睡觉。女孩们要小心



#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellota

#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellotalk? Don’t meet him, he and his boyfriend might have disease already. Just don’t want anyone to fall on their traps to meet you and sleep with you. Girls be careful 翻译:有人在 Facebook 约会或 Hellotalk 上和这个家伙聊天吗? 不要见他,他和他的男朋友可能已经患病了。只是不想让任何人落入他们的陷阱,与你见面并和你睡觉。女孩们要小心


Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellotalk?

Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellotalk? Don’t meet him, he and his boyfriend might have disease already. Just don’t want anyone to fall on their traps to meet you and sleep with you. Girls be careful 翻译:有人在 Facebook 约会或 Hellotalk 上和这个家伙聊天吗? 不要见他,他和他的男朋友可能已经患病了。只是不想让任何人落入他们的陷阱,与你见面并和你睡觉。女孩们要小心 #菲妹爆料


#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellota

#小菲投稿 Does anyone talk to this guy in Facebook dating or Hellotalk? Don’t meet him, he and his boyfriend might have disease already. Just don’t want anyone to fall on their traps to meet you and sleep with you. Girls be careful 翻译:有人在 Facebook 约会或 Hellotalk 上和这个家伙聊天吗? 不要见他,他和他的男朋友可能已经患病了。只是不想让任何人落入他们的陷阱,与你见面并和你睡觉。女孩们要小心


#小菲投稿Whoever knows this guy. Please let us know, we are looking

#小菲投稿 Whoever knows this guy. Please let us know, we are looking for you. Your friend took the bag. Don't wait for the police to drag you. Chinese don't have money? That needed to stole filipino's bag? You said you help us but when we arrived in Makati you run away. I've been kind to you not to call the police earlier but gave me no choice to report you. 有谁认识这个人,请告诉我们,我们在找你,包是你朋友拿的,别等警察来抓你,中国人没钱?还要偷菲律宾人的包? 你说你会帮助我们,但当我们到达马卡蒂时你却逃跑了。我对你很好,没有早点报警,但让我别无选择去举报你。 投稿信息:@wenxin9961 商务合作:@shanji0822 【 】 每个月8号抽取5-20名关注订阅的兄弟送88-188u红包


#小菲投稿Does anyone know this Chinese man who didn't pay rent and v

#小菲投稿 Does anyone know this Chinese man who didn't pay rent and vandalized the room. When renting, he said he had no money and did not pay a deposit for the room. Because it was introduced by another tenant who is familiar with it, I guaranteed him. Please contact me immediately or call the police! And expose all passport information! ! 有谁认识这个没交房租还破坏房间的华人,租房时说自己没钱,也没付房间押金,因为是另一个熟悉的租客介绍的,我给他担保,请立刻联系我或者报警!并且把护照信息全部曝光!!


#全网曝光 #菲妹投稿 # #女人

#全网曝光 #菲妹投稿 #曝光 #女人 Where are you fucking really flirting with my husband, just don't show yourself to me, you really block me, you're really used to being a hooker for anyone, well yes, I remember you being a prostitute, how is your vagina, is it too loose? Be careful with this woman, this prostitute and thief and hooker for my husband, you're still asking for money from my husband , why don't you have Chinese and Korean and Filipino guests? you poor cheap woman. Let's just not meet again, you'll really be ruined! damn shit! 译文: 你他妈到底在哪跟我老公调情,别向我展示你自己,你真的把我给堵住了,你真的给谁都当过 #妓女,嗯,我记得你是个妓女,你的阴道怎么样,是不是太松了? 小心这个女人,这个妓女,小偷,给我老公当妓女,你还跟我老公要钱,你怎么不来中国人韩国人菲律宾人客人?你这个可怜的贱女人。咱们就别再见面了,你真的会身败名裂!该死的 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha0000000

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