
TG账户限制解除方案:(不敢保证能达到100%,但是实用!亲测) 进机器人 (@SpamBot), 先检查看是不是有时间限制,要是有时间限制的就等他解除,看不懂的用翻译。 在没显示时间限制的情况下会出现:(禁止在公开群说话的) ’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunately, some actions can trigger a harsh response from our anti-spam systems. If you think your account was limited by mistake, you can submit a complaint to our moderators. While the account is limited, you will not be able to send messages to people who do not have your number in their phone contacts or add them to groups and channels. Of course, when people contact you first, you can always reply to them. 你就选择第三个按钮: This is a mistake 在出现: If you think the limitations on your account were applied by mistake, you can submit a complaint. All complaints will be reviewed by the team’s supervisor. Please note that this will have no effect on limitations that were applied with a good reason. Would you like to submit a complaint? 以上词语的情况下回复: 按钮的: YES 机器人回复: Great! Please confirm that you have never sent this to strangers: - Unsolicited advertising of any kind - Promotional messages - Shocking materials Did you ever do any of this? 您这次可以选择按钮: `No! Never did that!` 机器人再次回复: Great! I’m very sorry if your account was limited by mistake. Please write me some details about your case, I will forward it to the supervisor. Why do you think your account was limited, what went wrong? 现在你可以把你的回复要求提交给机器人,以下是亲测实用范本:(点击可直接复制) they are some people hate me and block me with out resones 最后机器人结束回复: Thank you! Your complaint has been successfully submitted. Our team’s supervisors will check it as soon as possible. If this was a mistake, all limitations will be lifted from your account soon. 大功告成!几分钟后您可以尝试在公开群组和陌生人联系,或者再测试创建新的群组频道。真实分享,谢谢! 最后切记,提交申诉了就等几分钟,先和别人不在线或者在线的聊几句话,在和陌生人聊几句,在到公开群组试试发言,只要能发言了就是解除限制了!



Hello 周克庆!I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunate

Hello 周克庆! I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunately, some actions can trigger a harsh response from our anti-spam systems. If you think your account was limited by mistake, you can submit a complaint to our moderators. While the account is limited, you will not be able to send messages to people who do not have your number in their phone contacts or add them to groups and channels. Of course, when people contact you first, you can always reply to them.



解双向教程:时间限制的等待时间结束,永久的自己看教程 第一步:搜索@spambot 第二步:点击 Start 第三步:点击This is a mistake 第四部:点击yes 第五步:点击 No,I'll never do any of this! 第六步:回复I have no idea, I have always been very abiding by the use of telegram. It's just that there are too many malicious people in my peers who maliciously complained about me. 机器人回复下面这段话就可以了 等待10分钟即可 Thank you! Your complaint has been successfully submitted. Our team’s supervisors will check it as soon as possible. If this was a mistake, all limitations will be lifted from your account soon (谢谢你!您的投诉已成功提交。我们团队的主管会尽快检查。如果这是一个错误,您帐户的所有限制将很快解除)



这是新的诈骗手法,假装是你的朋友要你帮忙解除限制 点解除时,会导向假的 TG 网站要输入帐号密码,当你输入帐号密码,你的帐号就会被盗走,请小心注意。 This is a new scam, pretending to be your friend, please help unblock When you click cancel, you will be directed to a fake TG website to enter your account password. When you enter the account password, your account will be stolen, please pay attention. 如果要你转传连结才能加入群组的 100%都是诈骗,如果你转传了,可能导致你被检举,被官方禁言无法正常使用,诈骗集团再使用上方的诈骗手法假装是你的朋友要你帮忙解除限制,当你输入帐号密码,你的帐号就这样被盗走了。请谨慎小心。 If you have to retweet the link to join the group, it is 100% a scam. If you retweet it, it may cause you to be reported, banned by the official and cannot be used normally. The fraudulent group will use the above fraudulent tactics to pretend to be your friend I want your help to lift the restriction. When you enter the account password, your account has been stolen. Please be careful. 如果你被禁言了 可以点下方官方客服机器人连结 给机器人 一个讯息指令 /start 机器人会回复你被禁言原因 及 解除限制 日期时间 Telegram「截图诈欺」持续蔓延 背后原理与抢救方式全解析 引用资料来源 雅虎奇摩 周刊王CTWANT |廖梓翔 2023年4月25日 如有人传送不明档案 ( 即时可预览图片、影片除外 ),档案格式可能是 ZIP.RAR.EXE.Excel.Word. 100%是病毒档案或木马病毒,遇到此类讯息直接删除举报。 避免帐号被盗用 请开启 Telegram 两步骤验证 ●设定>●隐私和安全>●两步骤验证



这是新的诈骗手法,假装是你的朋友要你帮忙解除限制 点解除时,会导向假的 TG 网站要输入帐号密码,当你输入帐号密码,你的帐号就会被盗走,请小心注意。 This is a new scam, pretending to be your friend, please help unblock When you click cancel, you will be directed to a fake TG website to enter your account password. When you enter the account password, your account will be stolen, please pay attention. 如果要你转传连结才能加入群组的 100%都是诈骗,如果你转传了,可能导致你被检举,被官方禁言无法正常使用,诈骗集团再使用上方的诈骗手法假装是你的朋友要你帮忙解除限制,当你输入帐号密码,你的帐号就这样被盗走了。请谨慎小心。 If you have to retweet the link to join the group, it is 100% a scam. If you retweet it, it may cause you to be reported, banned by the official and cannot be used normally. The fraudulent group will use the above fraudulent tactics to pretend to be your friend I want your help to lift the restriction. When you enter the account password, your account has been stolen. Please be careful. 如果你被禁言了 可以点下方官方客服机器人连结 给机器人 一个讯息指令 /start 机器人会回复你被禁言原因 及 解除限制 日期时间 避免帐号被盗用 请开启 Telegram 两步骤验证 ●设定>●隐私和安全>●两步骤验证


#账户解封模板  #解封

#账户解封模板  #解封 联系 Telegram 官方/客服: * App→设置→帮助与反馈 * 客服页面: * 官方 Twitter: * 登陆问题, 找Twitter: * 官方FAQ: * 发邮件给官方:     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected]     [email protected] * Telegram 客户端反馈群:     iOS - @tgiostests     macOS - @macswift     Desktop - @TelegramDesktopTalk 申诉反馈模板1: 主题: Please recover my Telegram account 内容: Dear Telegram Support Team,I am writing to appeal the recent ban on my Telegram account. I understand that my account has been blocked for violating the terms of service, but I would like to explain the circumstances surrounding this situation. I can assure you that my actions were not intentional and I did not have any malicious intent. I understand the importance of following the rules and regulations set by Telegram, and I regret any actions that may have led to my account being banned. I would be grateful if you could consider lifting the ban on my account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and I have used it for many years to communicate with friends and family. Losing access to my account would have a significant impact on my daily life. Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to hearing back from you and hopefully having my account reinstated. My mobile number is xxxx 申诉反馈模板2: 内容: My Telegram account was banned a long time, i think Anti-Spam system triggered wrong action, its mistake that account was banned. Now i have again got access, but still I'm limited to anything. It's wrong & false triggered action i should say. I have been a loyal to Telegram & even contributed to better Telegram. I am requesting for removal of account limitations. 提醒: 申诉后,官方会核查你的账户,并根据情况恢复你的账户,但不一定就能解封! 有人申诉后解封了,有人申诉了多次也未解封,不能一概而论!

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