#小菲投稿 这个抠门的男人
#小菲投稿 这个抠门的男人 Before this was exposed before. I thought that the previous exposure was all lies. But this man is too stingy and the requirements are high. The original price is 2500pesos each person but after the sex he wants to make it 1000pesos, Its true that this man uses some drugs otherwise we don’t know why we feel drunk by just drinking a little . I advise all women working in this industry must be smart and don’t let this ugly man scam us its hard to report to the police because this industry is also not allowed. This man is working in makati. His information was exposed before let me post it again. 之前这个事情被曝光过,我以为之前的曝光都是谎言,但是这个男人太抠门了,要求也高,原本的价格是2500pesos一个人,但是做完之后他要1000pesos,这个男人确实吸毒了,不然我们不知道为什么喝了一点酒就醉了,我劝所有在这个行业工作的女性一定要聪明,不要让这个丑陋的男人骗我们,报警很难,因为这个行业也是不允许的。 这个男人在马卡蒂工作,他的信息之前被曝光过,让我再发一次。

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