At Least I Had You-Gentle_Bones 林俊杰-At_Least_I_Had_You.m4a

Gentle Bones/林俊杰At Least I Had You



#保罗沃克弟弟听林俊杰弹唱哭了##林俊杰弹唱see you again# 昨晚@林俊杰 演唱会,保罗·沃克的弟弟科迪·沃克来到现

#保罗沃克弟弟听林俊杰弹唱哭了##林俊杰弹唱see you again# 昨晚@林俊杰 演唱会,保罗·沃克的弟弟科迪·沃克来到现场,JJ特别弹唱了《速度与激情7》主题曲《see you again》,弟弟听到眼眶湿润 新浪娱乐的微博视频 via 新浪娱乐的微博


#阿乐i舞台##林俊杰改歌词为黄老板庆生# 20240216,林俊杰惊喜现身黄老板(Ed Sheeran)新加坡演唱会,两人合唱

#阿乐i舞台##林俊杰改歌词为黄老板庆生# 20240216,林俊杰惊喜现身黄老板(Ed Sheeran)新加坡演唱会,两人合唱《不为谁而作的歌》,中途JJ临时改歌词“Happy birthday to you”为黄老板庆生。啊啊啊啊啊为什么阿乐没在现场听!!!#林俊杰是黄老板演唱会嘉宾#新浪娱乐的微博视频 via 新浪娱乐的微博


From the moment I saw you, I knew that you had a special charm.

From the moment I saw you, I knew that you had a special charm. You brought joy and laughter to my life. I can't help but feel that I have known you all my life. I want to be with you and share your happiness and dreams. In addition, I love you. 从我见到你的那一刻起,我就知道你有一种特别的魅力,你给我的生活带来了欢乐和笑声,我不禁觉得我已经认识你一辈子,我想陪在你身边,分享你的快乐和梦想。另外,我爱你。 #美式情话#夏日动态


Hello 周克庆!I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunate

Hello 周克庆! I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunately, some actions can trigger a harsh response from our anti-spam systems. If you think your account was limited by mistake, you can submit a complaint to our moderators. While the account is limited, you will not be able to send messages to people who do not have your number in their phone contacts or add them to groups and channels. Of course, when people contact you first, you can always reply to them.



林俊杰After The Rain


林俊杰 - 身后.flac


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