An elderly woman is arrested and abused by the police in China f

An elderly woman is arrested and abused by the police in China for not wearing a mask outside by herself. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy



China. Feb 27,between the police and the public occurred in Hua

China. Feb 27,between the police and the public occurred in Hua County Anyang, Henan Province. It is reported that on the 20th, a local 24-year-old woman was hacked to death eight times by her husband. On the night of the 26th, it was suddenly rumored that the woman's body was stolen, leading to a large number of angry villagers going to the man's residence to demand an explanation, which eventually led to a mass clashes. Villagers overturned police vehicles and police used violence to beat villagers. Plus, the dead woman’s family was monitored and controlled by police. #China #protest


New clashes between Foxconn factory workers and police officers

New clashes between Foxconn factory workers and police officers in China. The situation is still much calmer than yesterday. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu dis

A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu district of Guangdong, China, to quell a protest against lockdown. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Chinese police officers are fleeing tonight from workers at the

Chinese police officers are fleeing tonight from workers at the Zhengzhou iPhone factory. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to que

Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to quell riots at the Zhengzhou iPhone factory against the tight restrictions. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Demonstrators gather again today in Shangh on Urumqi Street.

Demonstrators gather again today in Shanghai on Urumqi Street. Large numbers of police are deployed in Shanghai to disperse the demonstration. Several protesters were arrested. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest

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