A demonstration broke out in a confined area of the Haizhu distr

A demonstration broke out in a confined area of the Haizhu district of Guangzhou, China. Iron bars and barriers were thrown at the police. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest



A new demonstration against confinement breaks out tonight in Gu

A new demonstration against confinement breaks out tonight in Guangzhou, China. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


A protest against contnment breaks out in the Hzhu district

A protest against containment breaks out in the Haizhu district of Guangzhou in southern China. More than 2,000 cases are detected every day in the city despite the "zero covid" policy, raising fears that restrictions will be tightened. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


A demonstration broke out in Shenzhen, China, against contnmen

A demonstration broke out in Shenzhen, China, against containment in several parts of the city after the discovery of some cases of covid-19. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


China. Ikea furniture store in Shanghai Xujiahui District sudden

China. Ikea furniture store in Shanghai Xujiahui District suddenly announced lockdown after the detection of 1 Covid positive. 300+ shoppers frantically pushed their way out to escape. Those who couldn't flee were kept inside for more than four hours before being quarantined. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Demonstration of force by the authorities in the Haizhu district

Demonstration of force by the authorities in the Haizhu district of Guangzhou, China, following demonstrations against the authorities in recent days. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Residents protest against restrictions in Guangzhou, China, in t

Residents protest against restrictions in Guangzhou, China, in the Haizhu district. Large numbers of police were deployed to quell the protest with the use of tear gas. 如果您错过了: 《抵制催泪瓦斯和橡皮子弹》 《了解防暴弹药,以及如何保护自己》 《如何处理枪伤》 #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest 【提示】任何时候,请不要假设镇压没有成本。成本永远都存在,虽然它可能小也可能大,随局势变动 行动者现在就是“局势”的重要部分!。行动者的战略部署需要能够将镇压成本抬至最高,就可以尽可能保护所有人的安全。 #tips

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