What’s left?

What’s left? - #onlymoneyleft #nosoul #fuckccp #china #hongkong #boycottchina #standwithhongkong #thecityisdying #diyms #english - Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day - but destroying take no time. And we are all witnesses. By TG @internationalfccp



#CCP has wasted no time to endorse #Taliban's takeover of #Afgha

#CCP has wasted no time to endorse #Taliban's takeover of #Afghanistan. While it claimed to respect the choices () of the #Afghan people, footages of civilians fleeing #Kabul shows the world clearly that the reaction to the new regime is fear. #Beijing's mouthpiece even praised the Taliban for not disturbing ordinary lives. The bond between CCP and Taliban is the bond of thugs. - CCP's ludicrous claims also prompt us, once again, to reflect on what it has said about #China, #Uyghurs, #HongKong, #Tibet and #Taiwan. It is a chronic liar that we should not trust! #fuckccp #boycottchina Credit: TG @internationalfccp #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP


20 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

20 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 We are all in this together. Mo’s quote reminds us of the moments we experienced in 2019 during the fight for freedom. Will athletes, broadcasters & people with influence speak up for the silenced like Mo and his peers during the @Beijing2022? @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp Share this post and take a minute of silence for all political prisoners and freedom fighters. Post by IG @students4hk #AthletesWanted #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #TogetherForASharedFuture #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #CCP #China #Beijing2022


We did it!!

We did it!! Today @JoeBidensigned into law a bill which will ban imports from Xinjiang region to the U.S, unless they can prove it wasn’t made with slave labor. This will finally stop the abuse of Uyghurs! The bill will ultimately punish China’s economy. - Take that @Nike Post by Enes Kanter / twitter @EnesFreedom #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #UyghurGenocide #种族灭绝 #FreeUyghurs #evilCCP #SayNotToChina


【欧美SLG/汉化/3D】我仅剩的一切 All That’s Left of Me Revamp Day 7【PC+安卓/1.8

【欧美SLG/汉化/3D】我仅剩的一切 All That’s Left of Me Revamp Day 7【PC+安卓/1.8G】 微云:https://share.weiyun.com/gTONEgRn 电报直下:   【 点击下载 】 【游戏介绍】: 《我剩下的一切》是一部女同性恋视觉小说。 你扮演切尔西的角色,一位 20 岁的女性,和她的女朋友搬进了新房子。 但很快,当一个神秘人物开始恐吓他们时,事情发生了可怕的转变。 【更新日志】: 第 7 天 添加了杰西卡、阿曼达、贝利和托尼亚的场景。 如果你在第 6 天说你喜欢它,杰西卡的头发现在会变成金色。 切尔西现在可以找到一份工作:脱衣舞娘。 我将把第一周和第二周分开,这样它们就不会占用超过本网站允许的空间。 标签:#欧美,#slg,#新作,#女同

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