credit: @internationalfccp

credit: @internationalfccp All we wanna say on the day which PRC were founded by #ccp back in 1949. Yeah, you. #fuckccp #evilCCP #boycottchina #nationalsecuritylaw #hongkonger #贺佢老母 #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡



#CCP has wasted no time to endorse #Taliban's takeover of #Afgha

#CCP has wasted no time to endorse #Taliban's takeover of #Afghanistan. While it claimed to respect the choices () of the #Afghan people, footages of civilians fleeing #Kabul shows the world clearly that the reaction to the new regime is fear. #Beijing's mouthpiece even praised the Taliban for not disturbing ordinary lives. The bond between CCP and Taliban is the bond of thugs. - CCP's ludicrous claims also prompt us, once again, to reflect on what it has said about #China, #Uyghurs, #HongKong, #Tibet and #Taiwan. It is a chronic liar that we should not trust! #fuckccp #boycottchina Credit: TG @internationalfccp #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP


Sad to see so many #hongkonger jailed for telling the truth, fli

Sad to see so many #hongkonger jailed for telling the truth, flighting for a better home, and standing up against #authoritarian government … let keep their spirit high and help them as much as we can! Post by @internationalfccp #evilccp #fuckccp #boycottchina #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光



如果你系个女仔,你会喜欢个男仔吗? by @hkguy1988 #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #boycottChina #暴政必亡


"The cheapening of the seriousness of terrorist acts and seditio

"The cheapening of the seriousness of terrorist acts and sedition offences, when Governments improperly use them to justify quelling domestic dissent, limiting protests and curbing criticism by civil society and human rights defenders, is deeply troubling," said the #UN #humanrightsexperts, yet without any actual power, the #CCP simply ignores them. @internationalfccp #nationalsecuritylaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #支共暴政 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #光复香港


What’s left?

What’s left? - #onlymoneyleft #nosoul #fuckccp #china #hongkong #boycottchina #standwithhongkong #thecityisdying #diyms #english - Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day - but destroying take no time. And we are all witnesses. By TG @internationalfccp


by IG @s.shinenn

by IG @s.shinenn No Communist Party, No Taliban #takedowntheccp #Taliban #CCP #UyghurGenocide #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡

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