1941年 #香港开埠 百周年广播-署理港督岳桐中将演讲

1941年 #香港开埠 百周年广播-署理港督岳桐中将演讲 Post by IG @hkwatershed 在这次广播中,岳桐强调香港百年成就除了得力于海港地利,更有赖英国与华人携手协力。 最后,岳桐提到香港人可以做的事,就是谨守岗位,以备需要挺身而出之时。“For the moment we can do the job that lies immediately at our hand, and do it with all our might, and we can prepare to defend ourselves against all comers should the need arise.” #香港历史 #殖民地 #WW2 #二战 #香港保卫战 #开埠百年



Newcastle 612三周年集会

Newcastle 612三周年集会 June 12th Be Water Rally Post on IG @newcastlestandswithhk 是次参与活动人数最高峰时期为约200人。 活动的另一个主题是「对抗中共极权主义」,NSWHK在集会中宣布了将会推行的「呼吁纽卡素市议会终止与太原市之姊妹城市关系」计划,并与出席的councillor初步商讨了向Council推行的可行性,详细情形将于细节落实后向大家公布,我们希望此行动能将「对抗中共极权主义」的主题实行,并籍此连结本地人共同抗共。 We had around 200 participants at the peak of the rally. One of the themes of the rally was ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’. We announced our plan to launch the ‘Call on Newcastle City Council to terminate sister city relationship with Taiyuan, China’ campaign. We briefly discussed with the councillor the feasibility of the campaign yesterday. More information on the campaign will be announced once we finalised the details. We hope that this campaign can actualise the concept of ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’ and connect with our local friends to stand against totalitarianism together. 光复香港,时代革命! Stand with Hong Kong, Resist China’s totalitarianism! #英国 #集会 #遍地开花 #UK #newcastle



香港主权移交26周年暨国安法实施三周年 前港督彭定康勋爵劝喻国际社会持续关注及声援香港 Lord Patten makes a speech on the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover Full Speech #video 今年是香港主权移交26周年暨国安法实施三周年,香港监察赞助人、前港督彭定康勋爵(Lord Patten of Barnes)发表七一演讲。 Lord Patten of Barnes, Hong Kong Watch Patron and the last Governor of Hong Kong, made a speech as we mark the 26th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong and the third anniversary of the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong. 彭定康勋爵提到2014年、2019年和2020年发生的抗争运动,指这些运动「格外显露出香港人对中国及中国领导层的情绪」。《国家安全法》至今已实施三年,彭定康勋爵指出,这项苛法显示「(中国)无所不包、复仇式限制香港的新闻自由和任何公民社会及民主发展」。 “It’s very important that we keep a close watch on what’s happening in Hong Kong, very important that we raise it in every possible parliamentary forum around the world,” says Lord Patten. @hongkongwatchorg #彭定康 #LordPatten #肥彭 #港督 #七一 #国安法 #NationalSecurityLaw


过百热心人士参加由列斯手足连线举办的 612 四周年《虽为自由人,未忘笼中鸟》活动。感谢大家站出来,证明我们虽然身在英国,但未会

过百热心人士参加由列斯手足连线举办的 612 四周年《虽为自由人,未忘笼中鸟》活动。感谢大家站出来,证明我们虽然身在英国,但未会遗忘失去自由的手足。 Thank you all for participating in the "612 4th anniversary We will not forget them" event organised by Hongkongers In Leeds. 除了集会之外,我们更设立街站去向本地人解释由2019年6月12日起直到现在,反修例抗争中发生的大事,及国安法带来的影响,揭示中共在港侵犯人权的恶行。 In addition to the rally, a street booth was organised at Briggate as part of the event. The booth aimed to display the protests happened since 12 June 2019. This was a vital initiative to showcase the atrocities committed by the CCP in Hong Kong. 希望列斯港人能不忘初心,继续支持我们的抗争活动,为香港民主自由奋斗。光复香港,时代革命!721再聚! Despite facing the challenges, Hongkongers continue to unite and fight for their freedom. We encourage all those who desire democracy and freedom for Hong Kong to continue to stand up and speak out against injustice. Together, we can work towards a brighter future. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. See you all on 721! HongKongers in Leeds #UK #Leeds #集会 #612四周年 #毋忘2019 #反送中



香港开埠至今181年的历史,上百年的年资,比起不少国家建立的日子还要长,短短文字当然不能尽录,愿这段超浓缩历史,能令大家多认识我们这个美丽都市的前世今生。 Posted by IG @hkcropcircle 「要毁灭一个大城市,不一定是天灾,也可以是人祸,人祸不一定是战争,几个人的几句话,几个人的愚昧无知的行动,可以令大城市彻底死亡。」《追龙》倪匡,1973年 资料参考: 《空白的一百年教科书不会告诉你的香港历史》 著 @hkhistory_lastminute 香城史; 出版 @humming.publishing 蜂鸟出版 #香港历史 #FoundingDay #香港开埠 #开埠 #卖港贼冚家亡 #支共乱港 #共贼死清光


如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会

如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会 BE WATER · BE UNITED - 612 3rd Anniversary Rally Every moment of 12 June 2019 in Hong Kong is still fresh in our memory! We must therefore unite and continue to tell the world how our freedom and human rights are exploited and taken away by the repressive government. Don’t let the lies cover the truth! This is the day when we declare our determination to fight against the totalitarian dictator. 纵然痛,我们仍要如水聚在一起,向世界揭示极权剥削自由人权的恶行,勿让谎言淹没真相。 我们要向世界宣告我们不会失却抗争的意志,坚持对抗极权! 雷丁香港人612集会,到时见! Reading Hongkongers, Be united and join the rally! See you there! Date: 12 June 2022 Time: 12:45 to 13:30 Venue: Reading Town Hall Square #612三周年 #Reading #UK Source: Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong fb


#612三周年 #Australia #珀斯 #Perth

#612三周年 #Australia #珀斯 #Perth 倒计时三日!香港民主运动抗争艺术照片展,即将于6月11日上午10.00-12.00在Murray Street Mall举行。本次展览以集会的形式进行,展览汇集了众多艺术家,抗争为题材的优秀作品。香港前立法会议员许智峰先生将出席本次活动! Three days count-down! Perth Photo amd Art exhibition on Hong Kong 2019 pro-democracy movement will take place at Murray Street Mall on 11th June, from 10.00am - 12.00am. The exhibition is organized in the form of a rally. Numberous excellent artworks by Hong Kong artists will be displayed. We are privileged to have former Hong Kong MP Mr Ted Chi-Fung Hui as our special guest in this event. Details:

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