What has been China's reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukrain

What has been China's reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Check out our timeline showing the key developments. Source: #EvilCCP #Ukraine #Standwithukraine #GloryToUkraine



Russian missile attacks have devastated cities, towns and villag

Russian missile attacks have devastated cities, towns and villages across Ukraine. @bbcnews #Ukraine #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Russia


Do you know CCP has been harvesting Uyghur's and prisoner's orga

Do you know CCP has been harvesting Uyghur's and prisoner's organs for decades? #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #UyghurGenocide #种族灭绝 #FreeUyghurs #evilCCP #SayNotToChina


BTilent Cheatmodule has been updated to be compatible with PUBG(

BTilent Cheatmodule has been updated to be compatible with PUBG(BETA) 3.1.1 update Demonstration Key: Support us by joining & sharing for more updates in the future @jddhbhdj Problem discussion: @TNGHNB66


In China, there has always been a theory that studying is useles

In China, there has always been a theory that studying is useless, and it is very popular. In today's China, a large number of students are unemployed the moment they leave campus. They cannot find a job. A large number of factories have moved out of China, taking away a large… via


Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in E

Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in Eastern Europe. People must know. God bless Ukraine Designer IG @yunnliu #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack


What in the world is going on in Toronto? City Hall has been con

What in the world is going on in Toronto? City Hall has been conquered by Muslims, who have made it their new praying ground. Is it time to start the mass deportations? 多伦多到底发生了什么事?市政厅已被穆斯林占领,他们将其作为新的祈祷场所。 现在是开始大规模驱逐的时候了吗?

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