Russian missile attacks have devastated cities, towns and villag

Russian missile attacks have devastated cities, towns and villages across Ukraine. @bbcnews #Ukraine #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Russia



Missile strikes and explosions have been reported in several par

Missile strikes and explosions have been reported in several parts of Ukraine, including the cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv. It comes as Russian forces launched a major military assault on the country, crossing its borders and bombing military targets. Warning sirens blared across the capital, Kyiv, which has a population of almost three million. Source: @BBCNews #Ukraine #Russia #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack


What has been China's reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukrain

What has been China's reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Check out our timeline showing the key developments. Source: #EvilCCP #Ukraine #Standwithukraine #GloryToUkraine


These are the indicative estimates of Russia's losses as of Marc

These are the indicative estimates of Russia's losses as of March 8, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Posted by twitter @KyivIndependent #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine #Ukraine #Russia


141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution

141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution "deploring" Russia's aggression against Ukraine and demanding the immediate and complete withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. LIST OF SHAME: Countries who just voted No on a resolution condemning Russia's war on Ukraine: Belarus Eritrea North Korea Russia Syria Abstained: Algeria Bolivia China Cuba Iran Iraq Namibia Nicaragua Pakistan Vietnam Zimbabwe #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia



俄乌第二轮谈判新进展,双方同意提供「人道走廊」疏散平民,是乌方原先谈判的最低要求。双方同意短期内举行第三轮谈判。 The second round of negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian officials have broken the previous impasse, with both sides agreeing to providing “humanitarian corridors” to evacuate civilians – the minimum agreement Ukraine hoped to reach during the first round of talks. Posted by IG @cwr_newspost #俄乌战争 #谈判 #人道走廊 #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia


在英港人可以做的事The items that you can donate in the UK to support Ukra

在英港人可以做的事 The items that you can donate in the UK to support Ukraine. Source: #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia

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