China’s Manipulation on City Diplomacy

China’s Manipulation on City Diplomacy 中国对城市外交的操纵 Website: IG @globaldetwinwithchina Twitter @DetwinChina #姊妹城巿 #sistercity #渗透 #共谍 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP



China’s Manipulation on City Diplomacy - Confucius Institutes

China’s Manipulation on City Diplomacy - Confucius Institutes 中国对城市外交的操纵 - 孔子学院 Credit: Instagram @globaldetwinwithchina Twitter @DetwinChina #孔子学院 #姊妹城巿 #sistercity #渗透 #共谍 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP



联署全球城巿与中国姊妹城巿断绝关系 Sever the sister city relationship with China. #姊妹城巿 #Petition #联署 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #断绝关系


10.1 英国联合行动-断绝姊姊城市活动

10.1 英国联合行动-断绝姊姊城市活动 10.1 UK Detwin with China Joint Action 中共政权庆祝七十三周年国庆之际,英国多个香港抗争组织毋忘三年前香港人奋身反抗中共极权主义,于同日起启动联合行动,在不同城市举行一连串断绝中共姊妹城市活动,当中包括集会、街站和游行等,当中有十四个城市参与。 On the 73th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, several Hong Kong activist groups across the UK cities launched a UK Joint Action of severing sister city relationship with China to resist this totalitarian regime. There are 14 participating cities. Source: @globaldetwinwithchina #姊妹城巿 #Petition #联署 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #贺佢老母#TakeDownTheCCP #sistercity


20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China

20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China 联署全球城市与中国姊妹城市断绝关系 Posted on IG @exehkersaction 今次全国好多个城市一齐合作,收集签名,期望英国政府正视维持姊妹城市既客观效果系支持中共。纽卡素已经成功脱钩,期待更多城市一齐同中国城市脱钩。 We connected many cities across the country for this petition, hoping that the UK government will face up to the objective effect that maintaining sister cities is supporting the CCP. Newcastle has successfully de-twined, and we look forward to more cities de-twin from Chinese cities. #exeter #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #姊妹城市 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP



英国断绝中共姊妹城市行动十一月更新 UK Detwin with China November Update Source: IG @globaldetwinwithchina 纽卡素成功与太原市于11月2日取消姊妹城市关系。当地自由民主党市议员Wendy Taylor为当地学生组织Newcastle Stands with Hong Kong递交联署并提出与太原取消关系的动议,议案最终一致通过。 巴斯市议会舆江西于11月17日通过取消城市友好关系,自民党市议员Andy Furse提出取消与江西友好城市关系动议,议案最终获大比数支持通过。市议员以断绝与中共政权的关系为由,表达与受中共极权打压者同行。 #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithChina #姊妹城巿 #sistercity #渗透 #共谍 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP


Taiwan'a President Lands in the U.S. Amid Threats From China

Taiwan'a President Lands in the U.S. Amid Threats From China Artist @tainanheiming #蔡英文 #民进党 #马英九 #国民党 #TaiwanIsACountry #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #BoycottChina #支共祸患 #ChineseVirus #TakeDownCCP

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