20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China
20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China 联署全球城市与中国姊妹城市断绝关系 Posted on IG @exehkersaction 今次全国好多个城市一齐合作,收集签名,期望英国政府正视维持姊妹城市既客观效果系支持中共。纽卡素已经成功脱钩,期待更多城市一齐同中国城市脱钩。 We connected many cities across the country for this petition, hoping that the UK government will face up to the objective effect that maintaining sister cities is supporting the CCP. Newcastle has successfully de-twined, and we look forward to more cities de-twin from Chinese cities. #exeter #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #姊妹城市 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP

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