20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China

20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China 联署全球城市与中国姊妹城市断绝关系 Posted on IG @exehkersaction 今次全国好多个城市一齐合作,收集签名,期望英国政府正视维持姊妹城市既客观效果系支持中共。纽卡素已经成功脱钩,期待更多城市一齐同中国城市脱钩。 We connected many cities across the country for this petition, hoping that the UK government will face up to the objective effect that maintaining sister cities is supporting the CCP. Newcastle has successfully de-twined, and we look forward to more cities de-twin from Chinese cities. #exeter #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #姊妹城市 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP



全球联合抗争行动 「断绝中共姊妹城市关系」 “Sever the sister city relationship with C

全球联合抗争行动 「断绝中共姊妹城市关系」 “Sever the sister city relationship with China” – Global Joint Campaign 「#姊妹城市」协议原意旨在促进两国之间的经济合作和文化交流。然而,这种外交策略现在却沦为中共政权操纵世界及扩大其极权统治影响力的工具。「姊妹城市」成为了外交渗透策略,使其认受性一直备受质疑。 中共极权政府不断侵蚀香港的高度自治,粗暴地打压民主和践踏新闻自由,公然违反 #中英联合声明,导致数千名港人沦为 #政治犯。自2014年起,中共亦以「再教育」为由,在 #新疆 大规模关押维吾尔族人及穆斯林。最近,外泄档案更公开集中营的不人道行为,例如虐待、击毙逃跑者等等。 中国臭名昭著的 #侵犯人权 记录和不遵守国际条约的做法,突显出其极权主义的本质,但不少国家郤因为经济利益而选择视而不见。 因应2020 年多个瑞典城市与中国脱离「姊妹城市」关系,全球多个抗争组织现联合发表声明促请各地市政府重新审视他们与独裁政权的密切关系,以正视听,反对与漠视人权、自由和民主的的中共建交,并透过终止与中国的「姊妹城市」关系来捍卫人权和遏止其渗透。 此全球联合行动由7个国家共163个城市共同发起。 #seversistercitytieswithChina #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP


In light of the aggressive Chinese military maneuvers around , w

In light of the aggressive Chinese military maneuvers around , we once again call on everyone to sign & share the global petition to sever the sister relationship with China! Petition: Source: IG @hongkongersingermany #Petition #Germany #姊妹城市 #boycottchina #CCPVirus #联署 #SisterCity #NeverTrustCCP


10.1 英国联合行动-断绝姊姊城市活动

10.1 英国联合行动-断绝姊姊城市活动 10.1 UK Detwin with China Joint Action 中共政权庆祝七十三周年国庆之际,英国多个香港抗争组织毋忘三年前香港人奋身反抗中共极权主义,于同日起启动联合行动,在不同城市举行一连串断绝中共姊妹城市活动,当中包括集会、街站和游行等,当中有十四个城市参与。 On the 73th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, several Hong Kong activist groups across the UK cities launched a UK Joint Action of severing sister city relationship with China to resist this totalitarian regime. There are 14 participating cities. Source: @globaldetwinwithchina #姊妹城巿 #Petition #联署 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #贺佢老母#TakeDownTheCCP #sistercity


Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign

Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign 全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动重要更新! 自2022年7月1日发起全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动,我们现正式发布官方网站及社交媒体, 以提供更全面的资讯及更新予公众及传媒。我们亦继续邀请全球更多组织和人仕加入,以断绝民间与中共的外交关系为目标,杯葛这个邪恶政权。 Following the announcement of the "Sever sister city relationships with China Campaign" (Global Detwin with China Campaign) on 1 July 2022, we are officially launching our website and social media to provide more detailed insight into this campaign. Hereby, we continue to invite more groups and individuals to join our call to terminate twin relationships with the brutal Chinese regime. Website: IG @globaldetwinwithchina FB: Twitter: @DetwinChina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反极权 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP


The CCP has 58 German twin cities, exerting soft infiltration an

The CCP has 58 German twin cities, exerting soft infiltration and influence on local governments. Looking at how they have ‘helped’ Ukraine, which as well has twin cities with China, we have created an online petition asking these cities to terminate the agreements. Sign here: Post on IG @hongkongersingermany #Germany #Petition #联署 #姐妹城市 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP



此全球联合行动由7个国家共163个城市共同发起。 This global joint campaign involves 163 associated cities from 7 countries across the globe. #姊妹城市 协议原意旨在促进两国之间的经济合作和文化交流。然而,这种外交策略现在却沦为中共 #外交渗透 的工具。 The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world. 因应2020年多个瑞典城市与中国脱离「姊妹城市」关系,全球多个抗争组织现 #联合发表声明 促请各地市政府重新审视他们与独裁政权的密切关系,反对与漠视人权、自由和民主的的中共建交,并透过终止与中国的「姊妹城市」关系来 #捍卫人权 和遏止其渗透。 Following the de-twinning of Swedish cities from China in 2020, Hong Kong activist groups around the globe hereby make a joint statement, prompting the local authorities to cut ties with this totalitarian regime that neglects the value of human rights, freedom and democracy by terminating the twin city relationship with China. #sistercity #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP

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