Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign
Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign 全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动重要更新! 自2022年7月1日发起全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动,我们现正式发布官方网站及社交媒体, 以提供更全面的资讯及更新予公众及传媒。我们亦继续邀请全球更多组织和人仕加入,以断绝民间与中共的外交关系为目标,杯葛这个邪恶政权。 Following the announcement of the "Sever sister city relationships with China Campaign" (Global Detwin with China Campaign) on 1 July 2022, we are officially launching our website and social media to provide more detailed insight into this campaign. Hereby, we continue to invite more groups and individuals to join our call to terminate twin relationships with the brutal Chinese regime. Website: IG @globaldetwinwithchina FB: Twitter: @DetwinChina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反极权 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP

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