"The truth is that national security is being used as a hollow p

"The truth is that national security is being used as a hollow pretext to wage an all out war on civil society. The truth is that our movement for human rights and democracy is home grown and not some sinister foreign implant. The truth is that people here have a voice of their own that will not be silenced..." Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, 38, a prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy activist and former vice-chairperson of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China, was among those convicted by a magistrate's court. (HONG KONG, March 11) Posted on IG @ngodeiorg #邹幸彤 #freechowhangtung #支联会 #支联会拒交资料案 #loveisfaith #国安法 #支联会 #ChowHangTung #打压异见 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #荒谬法治 #莫须有



10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 Freedom of press is crucial to a healthy society, as it allows people to be informed while keeping the government accountable to the people. Yet in Hong Kong, the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the founder of prominent pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily, blatantly demonstrates the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt to crush Hong Kong’s freedom of press. Now, as Apple Daily, Stand News, Citizen News, and more media outlets are forced to shut down, it has become more of a challenge for us to know the truth. Posted by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #UyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022


Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Media Mogul, Takes Stand in National Securi

Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Media Mogul, Takes Stand in National Security Trial The media tycoon, who is accused of masterminding pro-democracy protests, testified at his trial for the first time. He could be sent to prison for life. -电报频道- #娟姐新闻:@juanjienews


Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, Tonyee Chow got sentenced for

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, Tonyee Chow got sentenced for 15 months for lightening a candle in public. Designer IG @ccp_propaganda_page_2 #邹幸彤 #六四集会 #维园 #煽动颠覆国家政权 #支联会 #打压异见 #公民社会 #散播恐惧 #港共落地狱 #毋忘六四 #天安门屠城 #共狗死清光



加拿大新民主党党魁呼吁政府改善救生艇计划 Canada’s NDP Leader calls for improvements in the country’s lifeboat scheme Jagmeet Singh MP, Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada, expressed his support for our international lifeboat campaign. He commented that: “I am in full agreement with other likeminded leaders in UK, USA, EU and Australia that we must stand with the people of Hong Kong. As the persecution of pro-democracy activists continue to escalate, urgent action is needed. Canada must do its part by extending the current lifeline to safety set to expire in February and establish a special measure for human rights defenders. To ensure the pathways are workable for these pro-democracy activists, barriers like the 5 year graduation requirement and a Hong Kong police certificate must be removed.” Posted by #HongKongWatch #香港监察 #Canada #救生艇 #StandWithHongKong #移民


Recently, government has used #NSL and #Article23 to suppress p

Recently, government has used #NSL and #Article23 to suppress pro-democracy activists publicly. This is likely due to an «upcoming sensitive date» Let’s watch a sensibel movie during this sensible time. Get your as early as possible! Source: IG @hongkongersingermany #TiananmenSquare #天安门 #tiananmenmassacre #june4th #六四 #邹幸彤 #NationalSecurityLaw #ChowHangTung #毋忘六四 #天安门屠城 #欲加之罪 #政治犯


HKDC is honoring the plight of women in Hong Kong and elsewhere

HKDC is honoring the plight of women in Hong Kong and elsewhere imprisoned for political offenses. HKDC commemorates the role that women activists have played in the fight for Hong Kong’s freedom and salutes the women activists among our Southern Mongolian, Tibetan and Uyghur allies. Hong Kong has the highest percentage of female prisoners in the world, many of them among the 1,389 prisoners currently serving time on political charges. These prisoners include pro-democracy leadersChow Hang-tung, Gwyneth Ho, Carol Ng, Chu Wai-ying, Wong Yuen-lam, Winnie Yu, Claudia Mo, Tiffany Yuen, Wong Ji-yuetas well as many unnamed women detained for exercising their universal rights to free speech and assembly. Posted by @hkdc.us #InternationalWomensDay #妇女节 #政治犯 #NewYork #贤学思政 #47人初选案 #毛孟静 #何桂蓝 #邹幸彤 #黄沅琳 #朱慧盈 #politicaloffenses

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