Hong Kong is simply not prepared to face up to the fact that the

Hong Kong is simply not prepared to face up to the fact that the Communist Party is going to have a profound influence on Hong Kong’s way of life... the Chinese Communist Party means control, order and control. Art by IG @oneaguy | twitter @hkguy1988 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #支共揽炒香港 #支共祸港 #ChineseVirus #TakeDownCCP



#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians

#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians China’s Communist Party overlords are preparing to crackdown on Christians in Hong Kong. Recent articles published in CCP-controlled media have called out Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen and Christian schools for promoting and supporting massive 2019-2020 extradition law protests. Join us February 17th for an important panel discussion on these dangerous developments in Hong Kong. Reserve your spot today. Registration is required to attend. Event page: #宗教自由 #清算 #支共暴政 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP


At the MTR station in Hong Kong, Chinese Communist police pepper

At the MTR station in Hong Kong, Chinese Communist police pepper sprayed at the foreigners because they did not wear a mask. #video #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus #chinaliedpeopledied #PoliceState


Hello Hong Kong 这里有的是人才

Hello Hong Kong 这里有的是人才 #HelloHongKong #抢人才 #通关 #开关 #蝗虫 #蝗祸 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #ChineseVirus Posted by @jojowu


With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad D

With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad Dog Daily two pro-democracy news outlets were forced to cease operations out of concern for the safety of their staff. What does this mean for Hong Kong? It means those publications who are not willing to simply become mouthpieces for the Hong Kong government and Chinese Communist Party will be forced to self-censor and perpetuate the harmful, false narrative that this regime continues to force on the Hong Kong people and readers across the globe. Full article: #standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失


"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May

"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you! We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward. #香港抗争展 #温哥华 #展览 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人


Hong Kong leadership approval rates.

Hong Kong leadership approval rates. #AFPgraphics charts opinion polls of Hong Kong's leaders 等睇再下一『成』 From Asia's World City... To Asia's Third World City... It just takes 25 years! Credit to @AFP #支共揽炒香港 #民调 #特首 #港督 #支持率

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