With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad D

With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad Dog Daily two pro-democracy news outlets were forced to cease operations out of concern for the safety of their staff. What does this mean for Hong Kong? It means those publications who are not willing to simply become mouthpieces for the Hong Kong government and Chinese Communist Party will be forced to self-censor and perpetuate the harmful, false narrative that this regime continues to force on the Hong Kong people and readers across the globe. Full article: #standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失



10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 Freedom of press is crucial to a healthy society, as it allows people to be informed while keeping the government accountable to the people. Yet in Hong Kong, the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the founder of prominent pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily, blatantly demonstrates the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt to crush Hong Kong’s freedom of press. Now, as Apple Daily, Stand News, Citizen News, and more media outlets are forced to shut down, it has become more of a challenge for us to know the truth. Posted by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #UyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022



FREEDOM FOR DENISE HO Ho’s arrest marks the first time a pop star of global renown has been detained in Hong Kong for a political crime after Beijing imposed a national security law 18 months ago in response to months of pro-democracy protests in 2019. Source: #何韵诗 #HOCC #立场新闻 #新闻自由无价 #守护真相 #坚守立场 #不要让真相消失 #串谋发布煽动刊物罪 #欲加之罪


Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't

Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't express their opinion freely. See you all on Sunday! Source: Kingston UK HKers Stand with Hong Kong fb #UK #英国 #Kingston #海外活动 #人链 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻⁣ #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #不要让真相消失


It is simply ignorant to brand pre 97 HK a colony because it was

It is simply ignorant to brand pre 97 HK a colony because it was "governed by white" but ignore the fact that post 97 HK is more of a colony than before because it is fallen under China's rule, an autocratic regime. I would call it reverse racism. Look at what is really happening in HK and think about what colony means. I am NOT impressed with the communist five stars on the HKSAR flag. Pre 97, Hong Kong was called Hong Kong, hence the flag should be called "Hong Kong flag", but the post 97 red flag is called "Hong Kong SAR flag". 成日听人叫「香港旗」做「港英旗」,甚至「殖民旗」,真有必要以正视听。现在那枝其实真的不叫「香港旗」,而是叫「特区旗」,垃圾中国之下沦陷了的一个「特区」的意思。反而97前的官方旗「香港旗」是真的叫「香港旗」。 #国之将亡美感先死 #香港旗 #回归你老X #没有回归只有沦陷 #香港独立 Credit: Ladykylie IG @kyliethapthong FB:


America must stand up to China's crackdown on freedom

America must stand up to China's crackdown on freedom Washington Examiner: // It’s unlikely that President Joe Biden brought up the name Jimmy Lai in his recent conversation with China’s communist dictator, Xi Jinping. At least the records don’t show it. But Lai’s impending trial in Hong Kong represents a classic showdown between a tireless defender of freedom and a brutal regime. // // Lai richly deserves America’s benedictions and prayers, and Biden makes a mistake in not using his bully pulpit to press for his release. Lai fought for freedom vigorously for decades in Hong Kong until Xi's truculence burned it down by throwing him into prison in 2020. // #WashingtonExaminer #JimmyLai #黎智英 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #新闻自由无价 #捍卫真相


A Pro-Democracy Newspaper Shuts Down: Hong Kong

A Pro-Democracy Newspaper Shuts Down: Hong Kong 日本新闻节目(英语):后苹果日报记者时代 Link: After 26 years, Hong Kong's biggest pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, closed in June 2021. We meet the reporters who lost their jobs, and follow the new ways they are finding to examine their city's future. #日本 #NHK #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #新闻自由无价 #守护真相 #撑苹果 #壹传媒 #灭声 #匪安法

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