1989 年 6 月 4 日,北京城内枪声四起,千万学生英魂,骤逝於坦克与机枪之下。

1989 年 6 月 4 日,北京城内枪声四起,千万学生英魂,骤逝於坦克与机枪之下。 从此,香港人看清了中共极权的凶残面目。 六四屠杀三十五周年,港共政权严阵以待,警察盘据铜锣湾东角道,维园一带。 On June 4th, 1989, CCP soldiers opened fire in Beijing, claiming the lives of countless students under tanks and machine guns. The Tiananmen Square Massacre was a stark revelation to the people of Hong Kong about the cruel nature of China‘s Communist regime. IG @standwithhk_ #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #TiananmenMassacre #june4th




既然讲到镇压1989反革命暴乱咁理直气粗,点解今时今日唔俾人讲? 在中共统治下,历史不断被改写。正如2019年至今嘅抗争都被港共、狗官、红官同卖港贼改写一样。 #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre #june4th #抹杀历史


People have gathered at Scot Monument in #Edinburgh to commemora

People have gathered at Scot Monument in #Edinburgh to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre #Tiananmenmassacre #june4th X @cheesindave #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #UK #Scotland


June 4th Candlelight Vigil @Brisbane, Australia Never forget 19

June 4th Candlelight Vigil @Brisbane, Australia Never forget 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. Over 200 Hongkongers and Australians attended our memorial service in Brisbane, showing determination and unity to fight for liberty against the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party. #毋忘六四 #对抗暴政 #不自由毋宁死 #givemelibertyorgivemedeath #June4th #tiananmensquaremassacre Post on IG/Twitter/Mewe: @HKIAbrisbane


#六四悼念 #Cambridge #UK #毋忘六四

#六四悼念 #Cambridge #UK #毋忘六四 We are collaborating with a group of Hong Kongers in exile to hold a candlelit vigil for the Tiananmen Square Massacre. 4th June has been a day of remembrance for the massacre since 1989, however since the severe clamp downs by the Chinese government, the vigils have been forbidden in China and Hong Kong. We feel it is important to hold one in Cambridge, to commemorate those who died and so that the legacies of Tiananmen can live on. There will be a speech, discussion and small student run exhibition of key journalism. Come join us at Emmanuel college chapel at 8pm on the 4th of June. Cambridge 日期 : 4 Jun 2022(SAT) 地点 : Emmanuel College ChapelCB2 3AP 时间 : 2000 活动 : 烛光晚会 机构 : Cambridge University Amnesty International CUAI Source:


六四35周年雷丁集会Tiananmen Massacre

六四35周年雷丁集会 Tiananmen Massacre 35th Anniversary Assembly@Reading Date: 2/6/2024 (SUN) Time: 4:30pm 5:30pm Venue: Forbury Gardens, Reading, RG1 3BB Source: @readingukstandswithhk #六四 #TiananmenMassacre #1989 #june4th #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #薪火相传



香港演艺界合力制作的《为自由》诞生 1989年5月24日,卢冠廷作曲,唐书琛作词的《为自由》诞生,并由歌星黄耀光(Raidas成员)及蒋志光亲身将歌星合唱的录音带带上北京,献给天安门广场上的学生。黄耀光和蒋志光回港后说:「这是全个天安门第一次播放的广东歌。」 Credit: 1989年的传真 #民主歌声献中华 #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #TiananmenMassacre #june4th

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