#六四悼念 #Cambridge #UK #毋忘六四
#六四悼念 #Cambridge #UK #毋忘六四 We are collaborating with a group of Hong Kongers in exile to hold a candlelit vigil for the Tiananmen Square Massacre. 4th June has been a day of remembrance for the massacre since 1989, however since the severe clamp downs by the Chinese government, the vigils have been forbidden in China and Hong Kong. We feel it is important to hold one in Cambridge, to commemorate those who died and so that the legacies of Tiananmen can live on. There will be a speech, discussion and small student run exhibition of key journalism. Come join us at Emmanuel college chapel at 8pm on the 4th of June. Cambridge 日期 : 4 Jun 2022(SAT) 地点 : Emmanuel College ChapelCB2 3AP 时间 : 2000 活动 : 烛光晚会 机构 : Cambridge University Amnesty International CUAI Source:

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