The dismantling of #HK's #PressFreedom is heartbreaking

The dismantling of #HK's #PressFreedom is heartbreaking Please join these rallies in coming days around the UK, in support of Hong Kong's journalists. Source (keep updating): #UK #英国 #海外活动 #人链 #展览 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻⁣ #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #不要让真相消失



#London #Kingston

#London #Kingston Around 1,000 Hong Kong people attend a human chain protest in Kingston in solidarity with journalists and political prisoners. #UK #英国 #海外活动 #人链 #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失 #愿荣光归香港 #video


Thank you all for attending the "Support Freedom of Press: The R

Thank you all for attending the "Support Freedom of Press: The Road to Freedom - Human Chain" on Sunday, 9 January. "It’s not because you see hope that you persevere, it's because you persevere that you see hope!" Please stay tuned! Thank you! Post by twitter @birminghamhkers #UK #英国 #海外活动 #birmingham #人链 #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失


Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't

Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't express their opinion freely. See you all on Sunday! Source: Kingston UK HKers Stand with Hong Kong fb #UK #英国 #Kingston #海外活动 #人链 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻⁣ #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #不要让真相消失


Hundreds of HongKongers and activists gathered in Piccadilly Cir

Hundreds of HongKongers and activists gathered in Piccadilly Circus in the afternoon on Sunday 15 January, protesting against the crackdown of press freedom in Hong Kong. #StandWithHongKong #毋忘抗争 #英国 #UK #新闻自由 #伦敦 #London #海外活动 #游行 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻⁣ #还我新闻自由 #守护真相 #不要让真相消失 #新闻无罪 #自由无价 #光复香港时代革命


The protest lasted for an hour - quite a long time on busiest st

The protest lasted for an hour - quite a long time on busiest street of Kingston. Organisers said they spoke to shops on both sides of the street beforehand, so that they knew about the protest and were supportive. It ended with a singalong of protest anthem “Glory to Hong Kong”. Post by twitter @krislc #UK #英国 #海外活动 #人链 #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失 #愿荣光归香港 #video



伦敦Kingston逾1000港人组「人链」 英国大伦顿地区的京士顿(Kingston upon Thame)周日(9日)有超过1000名离散的香港人集会。他们在低温中声讨「一国两制」下的「新香港」,已经失去「新闻自由」。 #UK #英国 #London #Kingston #海外活动 #人链 #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失 #愿荣光归香港 报导: #自由亚洲粤语 @RfaCantonese

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