Hong Kong is turning into a “city of fear” where “open discussio

Hong Kong is turning into a “city of fear” where “open discussion is stifled” and the national security legislation “effectively acts as a trip wire for all journalists,” the International Federation of Journalists wrote in its latest report. Full story on HKFP. File photo: Studio Incendo. Post by HKFP @hongkongfp #立场新闻 #众新闻 #苹果日报 #新闻自由 #政治打压 #国安法



Two years of Hong Kong's national security law - explained in da

Two years of Hong Kong's national security law - explained in data Hong Kong has seen almost 200 national security law arrests, with many denied bail, over the past two years. What happened to the city's leading civil society figures, and top news outlets? HKFP explains with data. In full: #新闻自由 #国安法 #AppleDaily #StandNews #FreedomOfPress #NationalSecurityLaw #立场新闻 #苹果新闻 #47人案 #初选大搜捕


Artist @hong_kong_worker

Artist @hong_kong_worker 美国《#华尔街日报》周四(15日)的评论题为〈黎智英的审讯〉(The Trials of Jimmy Lai) 就批评香港政府是「#香蕉共和国」(Banana republic)的操作模式,「它会以任何方式扭曲法律来惩罚指定的政治目标」。 #黎智英 #JimmyLai #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #新闻自由无价 #守护真相 #撑苹果 #壹传媒 #灭声

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