在英港人可以做的事The items that you can donate in the UK to support Ukra

在英港人可以做的事 The items that you can donate in the UK to support Ukraine. Source: #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia




乌克兰手足想揾香港人帮帮手 Twitter战线手足,如果见到CCP或者小粉红有乌克兰战争嘅fake news可以DM俾佢! Twitter @ArthurKei_UA or @olekshyn #EvilCCP #FxxkCCP #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia



在俄罗斯,手持隐形反政府横额亦会被捕 Arrested in Russia for “holding invisible anti-government banners” - verbatim from the detention protocols #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia


Here is a short information on how to talk about the war in Ukra

Here is a short information on how to talk about the war in Ukraine so that you can be heard. This guide describes how to properly communicate the full scale war that Russia launched against Ukraine. Credit: twitter @UA_Institute #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine #Ukraine


想像一下,您正在电视萤幕上看到泽连斯基( Volodymyr Zelenskyi )宣布乌克兰投降。你可以看到他,你可以听到他的

想像一下,您正在电视萤幕上看到泽连斯基( Volodymyr Zelenskyi )宣布乌克兰投降。你可以看到他,你可以听到他的声音因此它一定是真实的。 但事实并非如此。 这项技术是深度伪造的(deep fake)。它不会是真实的影片,而是使用机器学习的演算法创造的影片。 放心乌克兰不会投降。 俄罗斯剩下要做的就是编造一场假胜利,关闭互联网,并将自己与世界其他地方隔离开来。 Source: 乌克兰国会 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia


曼彻斯特撑乌克兰Manchester Stands with Ukraine

曼彻斯特撑乌克兰 Manchester Stands with Ukraine 乌克兰战事已踏入第三个星期,曼彻斯特乌克兰人组织 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 嚟紧 2022 年 3 月 12 日(星期六)会第三次喺曼城市中心 Piccadilly Gardens 举行撑乌克兰集会。曼城香港人组织一一众齐呼吁香港人继续支持乌克兰以及出席是次集会。 It is the 3rd week of the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester is going to hold 'Stand with Ukraine' protest in Piccadilly Gardens again. Hongkonger-led organisations appeal to everyone to continue supporting Ukraine and attending the protest. Date: 12th March 2022 (Saturday) Time: 2pm - 4pm Venue: Piccadilly Gardens #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine #GloryToUkraine #Russia #英国港人 #海外活动 #UK #Manchester Source: IG @manchester_stand_with_hk



俄乌第二轮谈判新进展,双方同意提供「人道走廊」疏散平民,是乌方原先谈判的最低要求。双方同意短期内举行第三轮谈判。 The second round of negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian officials have broken the previous impasse, with both sides agreeing to providing “humanitarian corridors” to evacuate civilians – the minimum agreement Ukraine hoped to reach during the first round of talks. Posted by IG @cwr_newspost #俄乌战争 #谈判 #人道走廊 #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia

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