Here is a short information on how to talk about the war in Ukra

Here is a short information on how to talk about the war in Ukraine so that you can be heard. This guide describes how to properly communicate the full scale war that Russia launched against Ukraine. Credit: twitter @UA_Institute #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine #Ukraine



War gamesDesigner IG @tjeerdroyaards

War games Designer IG @tjeerdroyaards #Russia #NATO #Ukraine #Putin #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression


141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution

141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution "deploring" Russia's aggression against Ukraine and demanding the immediate and complete withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory. LIST OF SHAME: Countries who just voted No on a resolution condemning Russia's war on Ukraine: Belarus Eritrea North Korea Russia Syria Abstained: Algeria Bolivia China Cuba Iran Iraq Namibia Nicaragua Pakistan Vietnam Zimbabwe #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia



#standwithukraine Designer IG Original photo took by @o.k._img “I decided to make some photos which could attract attention to the possible war. I wish to demonstrate how Ukraine may look in the nearest future. As it could be seen I took this photo 22/02/2022, that's two days before the war. This is a photo of my daughter with a candy and with a shotgun in an abandoned building.” #RussoUkrainewar #ukraine #stopthewar #russiainvadedukraine #GloryToUkraine

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