Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk
Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk #曼城 #manchester #UK #上映 #放映会 多谢诸位有心赞助人,令曼城黄色经济圈可以举办 #时代革命,免费畀本地朋友了解反送中运动嘅事情。希望大家能够继续喺各自岗位,继续帮助香港人,尽一分绵力。 Thanks the sponsors of the event tonight helping Yellow Economic Circle Manchester organise the private screening of ‘Revolution of Our Times’ and provide an opportunity for fellow residents understanding the Anti-Extradition Law Social Movement in Hong Kong. We wish everyone can go on helping newcomers from Hong Kong. Every little bit helps.

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