Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk

Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk #曼城 #manchester #UK #上映 #放映会 多谢诸位有心赞助人,令曼城黄色经济圈可以举办 #时代革命,免费畀本地朋友了解反送中运动嘅事情。希望大家能够继续喺各自岗位,继续帮助香港人,尽一分绵力。 Thanks the sponsors of the event tonight helping Yellow Economic Circle Manchester organise the private screening of ‘Revolution of Our Times’ and provide an opportunity for fellow residents understanding the Anti-Extradition Law Social Movement in Hong Kong. We wish everyone can go on helping newcomers from Hong Kong. Every little bit helps.



Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47

Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47 The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial. Full Version: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #在英港人 #外国港人势力


Manchester 曼彻斯特 8.31 反警暴人炼活动

Manchester 曼彻斯特 8.31 反警暴人炼活动 Posted by @harbouroffreedom 8月31日,世界各地都有海外组织举行831毋忘太子站无差别袭击的活动,其中英国港人组织「Manchester Stands With Hong Kong」于曼彻斯特城市举行「8.31反警暴人链活动」,现场出席人数大约500余人。 #毋忘831 #英国 #UK #曼城 #曼彻斯特 #集会 #Manchester #人链 #外国港人势力


毋忘初心。抗争之路Fight for freedom. Stand with HK: Hong Kong Way

毋忘初心。抗争之路 Fight for freedom. Stand with HK: Hong Kong Way Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) #中秋节 #MidAutumnFestival Time: 1630-1730 Location: Burrard Bridge 自2019年,过万港人因社运被捕,未审先囚情况十分严重,很多墙内手足失去自由,无法与亲友团聚。是次 #人链 行动希望可以凝聚 #温哥华 港人,唤起世界持续关注香港状况。 Since 2019, thousands of Hong Kong protestors have been arrested, jailed, and placed on indefinite pre-trial detention. Many lost their freedom and are forced to separate from their loved ones. This human chain event aims to unite Hong Kongers and allies in #Vancouver to raise the awareness of the world towards the deteriorating political situation in Hong Kong. #Canada #外国港人势力 Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Source: Manchester Stands With Hong Kong

Source: Manchester Stands With Hong Kong 一国两制虽死,香港人心未死 2024年3月23日,曼城反23条集会,超过300位香港人于下午3时冒雨在Manchester St. Peter's Square集会 。参加者不但自备标语道具,更有义工向围观的本地人解释23条立法后对香港的影响。 集会后更有香港人向参加者分享感受,寄语香港人继续揸起中指(宗旨),无惧港共政权,在能力范围内为自由发声。 #Manchester #23条 #廿三条 #Article23 #反对23条 #海外港人活动


IG @students4hk

IG @students4hk Today, Nov. 8 8:09am Hong Kong time, we held one minute of silence for Chow Tsz-lok (周梓乐). Exactly two years ago, Chow Tsz-lok was certified dead from his injuries, just four days after falling off a parking lot building. The 22-year-old youth had a great future ahead of him, but he lost his life in the struggle for Hong Kong. There was no conviction of guilt reached in court. Judging by his injuries and the coroner’s report, there is a possibility that he was already unconscious before falling off the parking lot structure. He was murdered by the cops that chased our brothers and sisters through buildings with tear gas and physical threats. He was murdered by the cops that have no conscience. Chow Tsz-lok, we remember you and your life. You are still by our side in this long fight and we light a candle in your name. Rest In Peace. 梓乐,愿你安息。 @speal_cornell #毋忘手足 #周梓乐 #周同学 #将军澳 #死因存疑#悼念 #UK #海外活动


2019.6.12 HK Extradition Bill Protests

2019.6.12 HK Extradition Bill Protests Hong Kong Police crazy attacked the girl protester Do you still remember? 你还记得吗? #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #反送中5周年 #毋忘2019 #PoliceBrutality

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