IG @students4hk

IG @students4hk Today, Nov. 8 8:09am Hong Kong time, we held one minute of silence for Chow Tsz-lok (周梓乐). Exactly two years ago, Chow Tsz-lok was certified dead from his injuries, just four days after falling off a parking lot building. The 22-year-old youth had a great future ahead of him, but he lost his life in the struggle for Hong Kong. There was no conviction of guilt reached in court. Judging by his injuries and the coroner’s report, there is a possibility that he was already unconscious before falling off the parking lot structure. He was murdered by the cops that chased our brothers and sisters through buildings with tear gas and physical threats. He was murdered by the cops that have no conscience. Chow Tsz-lok, we remember you and your life. You are still by our side in this long fight and we light a candle in your name. Rest In Peace. 梓乐,愿你安息。 @speal_cornell #毋忘手足 #周梓乐 #周同学 #将军澳 #死因存疑#悼念 #UK #海外活动



七一梁健辉 |逝世六个月

七一梁健辉 |逝世六个月 He sacrificed his life in our home, Hong Kong. 他在我们家香港,牺牲了他的生命。 Post by IG @supreme_mediahk #至尊报 编辑:Bao #梁健辉 #逝世六个月 #官逼民反 #七一 #烈士 #刺警案 #极权把人民迫上绝路 #杀人政权 #哀悼 #毋忘手足


Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk

Posted by IG @manchester_stand_with_hk #曼城 #manchester #UK #上映 #放映会 多谢诸位有心赞助人,令曼城黄色经济圈可以举办 #时代革命,免费畀本地朋友了解反送中运动嘅事情。希望大家能够继续喺各自岗位,继续帮助香港人,尽一分绵力。 Thanks the sponsors of the event tonight helping Yellow Economic Circle Manchester organise the private screening of ‘Revolution of Our Times’ and provide an opportunity for fellow residents understanding the Anti-Extradition Law Social Movement in Hong Kong. We wish everyone can go on helping newcomers from Hong Kong. Every little bit helps.


Cartoon in The Economist:

Cartoon in The Economist: Xi Jinping: He has Ukrainian blood on his hands. Mahendra Modi: But we can wash it off later with Russian oil.



今日证明,我哋一直嘅坚持喺有用的: Our eyes met as an old Ukrainian man handed us the Ukrainian flag. "Hongkongers deserve this. Thank you." He said. "Thank you. Hong Kong is not China." Another Ukrainian said as they looked at our signs. "Hong Kong will be independent one day." 我哋要继续战斗,以星星之火去抵抗黑暗,揭露中共、俄罗斯等专制独裁者嘅一切暴行。 We must continue to fight, to resist the darkness and be a penetrating light that exposes all the atrocities committed by authoritarian oppressors like the CCP and Russians. Sometimes what seems like a small act may mean a lot to those suffering. Posted by 温哥华手足 VAHK IG @vanactivistshk #Vancouver #Canada #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong


"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May

"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you! We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward. #香港抗争展 #温哥华 #展览 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人


This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people

This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people to get a quick understanding of Hong Kong movement. We’d like to invite you to join us in taking action on Oct 1! Download, print and distribute it at your schools! The action items on the flyer are customized for different countries, the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Japan (so far). Thanks students from different countries who contributed the ideas. If you’re in another country and want to use it, please let us know and we’ll make one version for you. Special thanks to our editor and designer friends who help make this happen! IG @students4hk #光复香港时代革命 #standwithHongKong #fightforfreedom

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