IG @students4hk
IG @students4hk Today, Nov. 8 8:09am Hong Kong time, we held one minute of silence for Chow Tsz-lok (周梓乐). Exactly two years ago, Chow Tsz-lok was certified dead from his injuries, just four days after falling off a parking lot building. The 22-year-old youth had a great future ahead of him, but he lost his life in the struggle for Hong Kong. There was no conviction of guilt reached in court. Judging by his injuries and the coroner’s report, there is a possibility that he was already unconscious before falling off the parking lot structure. He was murdered by the cops that chased our brothers and sisters through buildings with tear gas and physical threats. He was murdered by the cops that have no conscience. Chow Tsz-lok, we remember you and your life. You are still by our side in this long fight and we light a candle in your name. Rest In Peace. 梓乐,愿你安息。 @speal_cornell #毋忘手足 #周梓乐 #周同学 #将军澳 #死因存疑#悼念 #UK #海外活动

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