因为爱所以革命 - 无惧, acrylic painting by Ricker Choi // Designer IG @ri
因为爱所以革命 - 无惧, acrylic painting by Ricker Choi // Designer IG @ricker_choi 而家忙紧一个好有意思嘅project! 导演 Chi Sing Nagn 拍了一套关于香港2019年嘅纪录片: 「因为爱所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution」, 佢想我用影片中嘅场景来创作画作。 呢一幅系第一幅画。 纪录片仲未广泛地展出, 但我好荣幸能够优先观看。 记录片详尽呈现香港人怎样从和理非演变成勇武抗争, 希望好快大家有得睇! Love in the Time of Revolution - Fearless, acrylic painting by Ricker Choi. Director Chi Sing Nagn of documentary "Love in the Time of Revolution" contacted me to create paintings based on scenes from his film. I have the honor to view the film already, before it is available for public distribution. It shows how Hong Kongers evolve from totally peaceful protesters into strong willed valiant because of oppression from the Chinese Communist Party. Trailer: IG: @film_littor FB: @FilmLITTOR #因为爱所以革命 #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution #光复香港时代革命 #freehongkong

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