《因为爱所以革命》西雅图放映会 LOVE IN THE TIME OF REVOLUTION Tickets are available at: Date: 4/2 (Sunday) Time 2:00pm Venue: The Beacon Cinema 【是他也是你和我的素人抗争故事】 来自香港街头的呐喊,纪录政治和社会动荡时期下,香港人的热血、精神和牺牲。《#因为爱所以革命》将观众带到香港街头,走到抗争最前线,倾听时代革命下的素人故事:前黑帮大叔、南亚裔手足、通识教师、冲冲情侣以及前线巴打,六位素未谋面的香港人各自为心中所爱,处身于与城市共命运的时代下,经历希望与绝望、爱与心碎,为家园而战的故事。 Echoing with voices from the streets of Hong Kong, LOVE IN THE TIME OF REVOLUTION documents the passion, spirit and sacrifice of ordinary people in Hong Kong during the 2019 anti-extradition movement. Galvanizing a sense of belonging and a shared identity six Hong Kongers experience hope and desperation, love and heartbreak, while fighting for the future of their home. @film_littor Posted by IG @lampofliberty #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution #FilmLITTOR #HongKongFilm #FilmFestival #HongKongMovie #港产片 #香港电影 #HKFilm #Seattle #西雅图 #US

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